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Workshops - 19 February 2015

Choose two from the workshops below one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Individual workshops can be booked during the event booking process. All workshops are delivered by HEA's Consultants in Academic Practice.

These workshops which are aligned to the UK Professional Standards Framework for Teaching and Supporting Learning in Higher Education (UKPSF) are open to all colleagues with an interest in teaching and learning. It may be of particular interest for those working towards Fellowship or Senior Fellowship. Specifically these workshops will provide an opportunity for delegates to engage with the dimensions of the UKPSF specified at each workshop description.


Tackling transition in STEM

Dr Janet De Wilde


The role of digital literacies in student transitions

Terry McAndrew

Thinking about Principal Fellowship: Strategic leadership of learning and teaching

Dr Sally Bradley


Strengthening university-business engagement to enhance student transitions

Maureen Tibby

Ruth Lawton


Evaluating your student transitions project: an impact assessment framework

Steve Outram

Sharing practice: a research-informed perspective on student transitions

Dr Jennie Osborn


Student transitions: an academic literacies approach

Jenni Carr

Putting Employability to work

British Council


International Higher Education Students

Dr Janet De Wilde

Tackling transition in STEM

This workshop will introduce the 'Tackling transitions in STEM disciplines' report will support delegates in exploring aspects of their practice which facilitate student transition and will help them to plan to enhance the student transitional experience.

This workshop will be of interest to staff with responsibility for teaching and/or programme leadership in STEM disciplines (Biosciences Physical Sciences Computing Built Environment GEES Psychology Engineering MSOR). It will provide delegates with opportunities to:

  • Hear a summary of the main findings and recommendations from the HEA STEM tackling transitions project;
  • Identify and share aspects of their own practice that already support student transitions;
  • Reflect upon and plan enhancements to improve the student transitional experience through programme design and classroom practice; 4. Network with other STEM professionals with interests in student transitions.


UKPSF Mapping

Area of Activity

A1 – design and plan learning activities and/or programmes of study;

A4 – develop effective learning environments and approaches to student support and guidance;

Core Knowledge

K2 – appropriate methods for teaching learning and assessing in the subject area and at the level of the academic programme;

K3 – how students learn both generally and within their subject / disciplinary area(s).

Professional Value

V1 – respect individual learners and diverse learning communities;

V2 – promote participation in higher education and equality of opportunity for learners;

V3 – use of evidence-informed approaches and the outcomes.

This workshop is mapped to descriptors 1 & 2 (AFHEA and FHEA).


Terry McAndrew

The role of digital literacies in student transitions

Online resources and environments provide new opportunities for actively engaging students in their learning and developing their knowledge and skills required for transitions both through higher education and into employment in a connected world. In this context attention is increasingly focused on the development of the appropriate digital literacies and skills.

This workshop will support staff in identifying these skills and developing their practice to support students in developing them within the curriculum and independently. The workshop will be of benefit to teachers in all disciplines who use online resources environments and networks in their teaching by exploring ideas and issues raised by involving students in Open Educational practices to improve their digital literacy.


UKPSF Mapping

Area of Activity

A2 – teach and or support learning;

A4 – develop effective learning environments and approaches to student support and guidance.

Core Knowledge

K4 – the use and value of appropriate learning technologies.

Professional Value

V2 – promote participation in higher education and equality of opportunity for learners;

V4 – Acknowledge the wider context in which higher education operates recognising the implications for professional practice.

The workshops are mapped to descriptors 1-2 (AFHEA and FHEA).


Jenni Carr

Student transitions: an academic literacies approach

The aim of this workshop is to provide an opportunity to explore the principles of pedagogies informed by an academic literacies perspective and examine how adopting this perspective can impact on learning and teaching practices designed to support student transitions.

Proficiency in academic literacy - the specialised forms of communication that occur in higher education learning teaching and assessment - is fundamental to students' success. Students need to know not only academic language but also how to meet the academic communications expectations in different disciplines. In contrast with common understandings about what it means to learn to speak read and write in academic language developing academic literacy is a much more complex and deep-seated process. It involves entering new linguistic and academic communities which touches upon key issues of students’ identities and roles in work study and life (Lillis 1997; 2001). Delegates will:

  • Examine the principles of an academic literacies perspective;
  • Discuss the implications of this perspective when supporting students to think critically about topics such as what counts as evidence the role of personal experience and opinion plagiarism and evaluating ideas and theory;
  • Identify through group discussion similarities/differences across the disciplines and how these might impact on learning and teaching practice with a particular focus on assessment and feedback;
  • Compile an action and review plan which when implemented   will generate evidence to support an application for either Fellowship or Senior Fellowship.


UKPSF Mapping

Area of Activity

A3 – assess and give feedback to learners;

A4 – develop effective learning environments and approaches to student support and guidance.

Professional Value

V1 – respect individual learners and diverse learning communities;

V2 – promote participation in higher education and equality of opportunity for learners.

This workshop is mapped to descriptors 2 - 3 (AFHEA and FHEA).


Maureen Tibby

Strengthening university-business engagement to enhance student transitions

The aim of this workshop is to support delegates in addressing the challenge of engaging with employers to enhance student transition and graduate employability. Delegates will have the opportunity to:

  • explore how to build sustainable relationships with employers
  • develop plans that take into account how the links between university-business engagement curriculum development and embedding employability strategies support successful student transitions
  • consider examples of good practice.
  • BCU were recently named as providing good practice in employer engagement by the QAA ( Employer Engagement: Emerging Practice from QAA Reviews’ 2015). Ruth Lawton BCU Learning and Teaching Fellow  for Employability  will discuss employer engagement policy and practice at BCU: the opportunities and issues.

The workshop will be interactive and will support delegates through the use of; information case studies activity and facilitated discussion.

The workshop will be of interest to staff involved with curriculum development at Faculty/School level and  staff with roles relating to; employer engagement knowledge exchange programmes enterprise  and staff development at strategic and operational levels.


UKPSF Mapping

Area of Activity

A1 – design and plan learning activities and/or programmes of study;

A2 – teach and or support learning;

A4 – develop effective learning environments and approaches to student support and guidance.

Core Knowledge

K2 – appropriate methods for teaching learning and assessing in the subject area and at the level of the academic programme;

K3 – how students learn both generally and within their subject / disciplinary area(s);

Professional Value

V1 – respect individual learners and diverse learning communities;

V2 – promote participation in higher education and equality of opportunity for learners;

V3 – use of evidence-informed approaches and the outcomes;

V4 – Acknowledge the wider context in which higher education operates recognising the implications for professional practice.


Dr Sally Bradley

Thinking about Principal Fellowship: Strategic leadership of learning and teaching

This workshop will be of significant benefit to highly experienced and/or senior staff considering applying for Principal Fellowship of the HEA. Led by senior academics at the HEA the session will raise your understanding of and engagement with the UKPSF and give you the opportunity to reflect on your professional practice to begin your application for Principal Fellowship.

You will have time to focus on your effectiveness and achievements in your strategic role in leading learning and teaching. You will gain an awareness and understanding of the evidence requirements and expectations for being recognised as a Principal Fellow of the HEA and benefit from seeing extracts from successful Principal Fellowship applications.

UKPSF Mapping

Area of activity core knowledge and professional value are all covered in this session in relation to Principal Fellowship.


Steve Outram

Evaluating your student transitions project: an impact assessment framework

The aim of this workshop is to explore the challenges of demonstrating the impact of cross-university student transition enhancement work and to present a methodology for assessing impact.

This workshop is targeted for those staff with responsibility for delivering and reporting on student transitions and cross-university themes. The workshop will introduce the HEA Impact Assessment Framework and delegates will work on creating an impact assessment for your project. Delegates will have the opportunity to:

  • Stress the importance of evaluating the impact of student transitions initiatives;
  • Highlight the principles of the HEA's Impact Assessment Framework;
  • Explore how to capture and present evidence of the impact of student transition initiatives.


UKPSF Mapping

Area of Activity

A2 – teach and or support learning;

A4 – develop effective learning environments and approaches to student support and guidance.

Core Knowledge

K5 – methods for evaluating the effectiveness of teaching.

Professional Value

V3 – use of evidence-informed approaches and the outcomes;

V4 – Acknowledge the wider context in which higher education operates recognising the implications for professional practice.

This workshop is mapped to descriptors 2 - 3 (AFHEA and FHEA).


Dr Jennie Osborn

Sharing practice: a research-informed perspective on student transitions

The aim of this workshop is to provide a platform for HEA-funded project leads to disseminate their findings with regard to student transitions and to facilitate discussion of good practice from across the sector.

This workshop will be of interest to staff who would like to hear about and to disseminate their own research with regard to student transitions from across all disciplines and at all levels of higher education. It will be facilitated by a combination of HEA staff and HEA funding holders and will incorporate presentations from the project leads and substantial opportunity for discussion and networking. The workshop will provide delegates with opportunities to:

  • Network with other higher education staff who are researching student transitions;
  • Share their own practices ideas and findings with regard to student transitions;
  • Discuss current research findings and thinking from across the sector with regard to student transitions.


UKPSF Mapping

Area of Activity

A4 – develop effective learning environments and approaches to student support and guidance;

A5 – Engage in continuing professional development in subjects/disciplines and their pedagogy incorporating research scholarship and the evaluation of professional practices.

Core Knowledge

K3 – how students learn both generally and within their subject / disciplinary area(s).

Professional Value

V1 – respect individual learners and diverse learning communities;

V2 – promote participation in higher education and equality of opportunity for learners;

V3 – use of evidence-informed approaches and the outcomes.

This workshop is mapped to descriptors 1 2 & 3 (AFHEA and FHEA).


British Council


International Higher Education Students

Putting Employability to work

This workshop will be of interest to those with responsibility for teaching and/or devising programmes to develop employability skills for undergraduate or post graduate students..

We aim to provide a forum for discussion around the delivery of employability training methods for increasing its effectiveness and increasing student engagement. We will address the challenges that can exist within devising and delivering programmes either as a component within core discipline teaching or as a standalone skills module.

In addition we offer insights from industry the student’s perspective as well as experiences from the British Council and their role in supporting employability projects within international education.


event_programme_-_london_19_february.pdf View Document

The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.