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Workshops - 22 January 2014

Choose two from the workshops below one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Individual workshops can be booked during the event booking process. All workshops are delivered by HEA's Consultants in Academic Practice.

These workshops which are aligned to the UK Professional Standards Framework for Teaching and Supporting Learning in Higher Education (UKPSF) are open to all colleagues with an interest in teaching and learning.  It may be of particular interest for those working towards Fellowship or Senior Fellowship. Specifically these workshops will provide an opportunity for delegates to engage with the dimensions of the UKPSF specified at each workshop description.


Brave new world at Futura University

Part 1

Kate Cuthbert and Kathy Wright

Do learners really learn when they’re one of thousands?

Alison Le Cornu and Julie Wintrup

Squeezing the most out of MOOCs

Karen Fraser and Natasha Taylor

Thinking about Principal Fellowship: Strategic leadership of learning and teaching

Dr Henry Rattle



Brave new world at Futura University

Part 2

Kate Cuthbert and Kathy Wright

Lids up or lids down? Technology in the HE classroom

Jennie Osborn and Natasha Taylor

Opening up discipline resources and practice

Terry McAndrew



Kate Cuthbert and Kathy Wright

Brave new world at Futura University

This is a simulation-based workshop run over four hours – i.e. both morning and afternoon workshops sessions.

Welcome! Today is your first day in a new academic role at Futura University a recently established provider of higher education. At the session you will be briefed on the Vice-Chancellor’s vision for learning and teaching at the University.

Special advisers have been engaged to help you work collaboratively in your faculty on the opportunities and challenges facing the university in developing approaches to incorporating ‘the digital into your discipline.’

Delegates will have the opportunity to:

  • experience simulation methods as well as various digital tools and reflect on the usefulness of simulation to engage students in learning;
  • use digital tools to facilitate students’ engagement with learning;
  • be encouraged to think about the pedagogy structure and practicalities of delivering holistic digital learning opportunities

UKPSF Mapping

Area of Activity

A1 – design and plan learning activities and/or programmes of study;

A2 – teach and or support learning;

A4 – develop effective learning environments and approaches to student support and guidance;

A5 – Engage in continuing professional development in subjects/disciplines and their pedagogy incorporating research scholarship and the evaluation of professional practices.

Core Knowledge

K1 – the subject material;

K2 – appropriate methods for teaching learning and assessing in the subject area and at the level of the academic programme;

K4 – the use and value of appropriate learning technologies.

Professional Value

V2 – promote participation in higher education and equality of opportunity for learners;

V3 – use of evidence-informed approaches and the outcomes;

V4 – Acknowledge the wider context in which higher education operates recognising the implications for professional practice.


Alison Le Cornu and Julie Wintrup           

Do learners really learn when they’re one of thousands?

Julie and Alison will present the main findings from the two HEA reports on MOOCs that are being launched at this event. Those with an interest in MOOCs either considering developing one at their institution or wanting to have the opportunity to engage with research in order to enhance existing or forthcoming MOOCs are invited to participate with a view to exploring the research findings in relation to their practice. You will find out whether MOOCs are significantly different from other online modules and if the disciplinary context makes a difference?

Delegates will have the opportunity to:

  • explore and evaluate different techniques that MOOC designers have used to encourage learner engagement;
  • consider whether and how the platform on which a MOOC is delivered has an impact on the pedagogies which are used;
  • interact with learner feedback from a MOOC research project and discuss its implications for future MOOC designs.

UKPSF Mapping

Area of Activity

A2 – teach and or support learning;

A4 – develop effective learning environments and approaches to student support and guidance;

A5 – Engage in continuing professional development in subjects/disciplines and their pedagogy incorporating research scholarship and the evaluation of professional practices.

Core Knowledge

K3 – how students learn both generally and within their subject / disciplinary area(s);

K4 – the use and value of appropriate learning technologies;

K5 – methods for evaluating the effectiveness of teaching.

Professional Value

V2 – promote participation in higher education and equality of opportunity for learners;

V3 – use of evidence-informed approaches and the outcomes.


Karen Fraser and Natasha Taylor

Squeezing the most out of MOOCs

This workshop session is aimed at academics who may consider a blended approach to MOOCs where students can take advantage of high quality MOOC sessions outside timetabled teaching time and use face-to-face time for discussions problem-solving group projects and lab work etc.  We will address whether a blended approach can offer the best of both worlds.

Delegates will have the opportunity examine the potential of MOOCs to:

  • gain personal enhancement;
  • enhance professional and employability skills;
  • support academically at risk students;
  • improve outcomes for all students;
  • facilitate ‘flipped’ lessons online and leave class time for active learning and   student engagement.

UKPSF Mapping

Area of Activity

A2 – teach and or support learning;

A4 – develop effective learning environments and approaches to student support and guidance.

Core Knowledge

K4 – the use and value of appropriate learning technologies.

Professional Value

V1 – respect individual learners and diverse learning communities.


Dr Henrr Rattle

Thinking about Principal Fellowship: Strategic leadership of learning and teaching

This workshop will be of significant benefit to highly experienced and/or senior staff considering applying for Principal Fellowship of the HEA. Led by senior academics at the HEA the session will raise your understanding of and engagement with the UKPSF and give you the opportunity to reflect on your professional practice to begin your application for Principal Fellowship.

You will have time to focus on your effectiveness and achievements in your strategic role in leading learning and teaching. You will gain an awareness and understanding of the evidence requirements and expectations for being recognised as a Principal Fellow of the HEA and benefit from seeing extracts from successful Principal Fellowship applications.

UKPSF Mapping

Area of activity core knowledge and professional value are all covered in this session in relation to Principal Fellowship.


Terry McAndrew      

Opening up discipline resources and practice

Sharing and collaboration within any discipline in a competitive environment is a challenge but not mutually exclusive: there are many significant advantages for those who take an ‘open’ approach.

Open educational resources and practice (OER/P) are a natural outcome of digital discipline networks. They provide a rich source of resources for most disciplines but finding the most suitable ones incorporating them effectively developing enhancements and improving outcomes for students (and the staff who teach them) can also be supported strategically by the discipline community itself.

Delegates will have the opportunity to:

  • improve discovery for better resources and practice;
  • explore development and release of OER for teaching impact;
  • developing your discipline network with OER/P;
  • understand the use of Creative Commons to protect IPR;
  • explore Social media practices in your discipline - staff and students;
  • investigate digital diversity by exchanging ideas from other disciplines;
  • develop Assessment and Feedback with ‘open’;
  • collaborate to compete using OER/P.

UKPSF Mapping

Area of Activity

A1 – design and plan learning activities and/or programmes of study;

A2 – teach and or support learning;

A4 – develop effective learning environments and approaches to student support and guidance;

A5 – Engage in continuing professional development in subjects/disciplines and their pedagogy incorporating research scholarship and the evaluation of professional practices.

Core Knowledge

K3 – how students learn both generally and within their subject / disciplinary area(s);

K4 – the use and value of appropriate learning technologies.

Professional Value

V1 – respect individual learners and diverse learning communities;

V2 – promote participation in higher education and equality of opportunity for learners;

V3 – use of evidence-informed approaches and the outcomes;

V4 – Acknowledge the wider context in which higher education operates recognising the implications for professional practice.


Jennie Osborn and Natasha Taylor          

Lids up or lids down? Technology in the HE classroom

This workshop will explore the use of laptops tablets and phones in face-to-face teaching and learning contexts. We will think about the intersection between analogue and digital pedagogies and consider how social media can be used to engage rather than distract students.

Delegates will have the opportunity to:

  • examine the relationship between analogue and digital pedagogies focussing on strategies for student engagement;
  • explore innovative ways of using personal devices apps and social networking tools in the classroom;
  • apply examples of good practice to their own teaching.

UKPSF Mapping

Area of Activity

A4 – develop effective learning environments and approaches to student support and guidance.

Core Knowledge

K4 – the use and value of appropriate learning technologies.

Professional Value

V1 – respect individual learners and diverse learning communities.

event_programme_-_london_22_jan_0.pdf View Document

The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.