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Workshops - 5 March 2015

Choose two from the workshops below one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Individual workshops can be booked during the event booking process. All workshops are delivered by HEA's Consultants in Academic Practice.

These workshops which are aligned to the UK Professional Standards Framework for Teaching and Supporting Learning in Higher Education (UKPSF) are open to all colleagues with an interest in teaching and learning. It may be of particular interest for those working towards Fellowship or Senior Fellowship. Specifically these workshops will provide an opportunity for delegates to engage with the dimensions of the UKPSF specified at each workshop description.

Please do not book any more than one workshop in the morning and one in the afternoon.



Stepping across the threshold:

Pedagogical research in interdisciplinary learning and teaching

Dr Jenny L Lawrence


Embedding qualitative research methods: developing an interdisciplinary pedagogical culture


Dr Jenni Carr

Thinking about Principal Fellowship: Strategic leadership of learning and teaching


Dr Sally Bradley


You talking to me? Working towards interdisciplinarity


Dr Catriona Cunningham

Dr Jennie Osborn


Curiosity-based learning and interdisciplinarity : Crime and Deviance as a case study

Mr Steve Outram  Dr Natasha Taylor

Making the most of the HEAR: Embedding the HEAR in the student learning experience

Mr Chris Hoyle Dr Nikki Spalding



Dr Jenny L Lawrence

Stepping across the threshold: Pedagogical research in interdisciplinary learning and teaching

From critical to hybrid pedagogies and from our virtual and actual realities this workshop will examine the conceptualisation of interdisciplinary learning and teaching and explore some of the scholarly thinking behind it.

This workshop will enable delegates to develop their knowledge of pedagogical research in interdisciplinary learning and teaching and to examine the research-teaching nexus inherent in interdisciplinarity. Delegates will also have the opportunity to map future directions for their own scholarship in interdisciplinary learning and teaching.

UKPSF Mapping

Area of Activity

A1 – design and plan learning activities and/or programmes of study;

A2 – teach and or support learning;

A5 – Engage in continuing professional development in subjects/disciplines and their pedagogy incorporating research scholarship and the evaluation of professional practices.

Professional Value

V1 – respect individual learners and diverse learning communities;

V3 – use of evidence-informed approaches and the outcomes;

V4 – Acknowledge the wider context in which higher education operates recognising the implications for professional practice.

This workshop is also mapped to descriptors 1-2 (AFHEA and FHEA).


Dr Jenni Carr

Embedding qualitative research methods: developing an interdisciplinary pedagogical culture

This workshop will be of interest to STEM health and medical educators who are looking to embed the teaching of qualitative methods into their practice and to social science educators who teach research methods to students not studying the social sciences. Recent HEA-funded research into the teaching of social science research methods to undergraduate medical students (Forrest 2014) summarised key issues relating to embedding the teaching of qualitative research methods into curricula that privilege positivist approaches to knowledge construction. Delegates will have the opportunity to:

  • examine the key issues reported on in this research;
  • discuss the implications and relevance of these findings for their own practice within a disciplinary context;
  • identify through group discussion of case studies solutions that have the potential to improve the student learning experience.

The specific UKPSF dimensions addressed will be:

Area of Activity

A1 – design and plan learning activities and/or programmes of study;

A4 – develop effective learning environments and approaches to student support and guidance.

Professional Value

V3 – use of evidence-informed approaches and the outcomes.


Dr Sally Bradley

Thinking about Principal Fellowship: Strategic leadership of learning and teaching

This workshop will be of significant benefit to highly experienced and/or senior staff considering applying for Principal Fellowship of the HEA. Led by senior academics at the HEA the session will raise your understanding of and engagement with the UKPSF and give you the opportunity to reflect on your professional practice to begin your application for Principal Fellowship.

You will have time to focus on your effectiveness and achievements in your strategic role in leading learning and teaching. You will gain an awareness and understanding of the evidence requirements and expectations for being recognised as a Principal Fellow of the HEA and benefit from seeing extracts from successful Principal Fellowship applications.

UKPSF Mapping

Area of activity core knowledge and professional value are all covered in this session in relation to Principal Fellowship.


Dr Catriona Cunningham

Dr Jennie Osborn

You talking to me? Working towards interdisciplinarity

This session will examine the diverse cultural approaches inherent in interdisciplinary learning and teaching. Through a series of creative practices participants will be encouraged to think differently about how and what they teach. This workshop will involve small group team with the aim of creating a mini-interdisciplinary teaching artefact.

UKPSF Mapping

Area of Activity

A1 – design and plan learning activities and/or programmes of study;

A2 – teach and or support learning;

A5 – Engage in continuing professional development in subjects/disciplines and their pedagogy incorporating research scholarship and the evaluation of professional practices.

Professional Value

V1 – respect individual learners and diverse learning communities;

V2 – promote participation in higher education and equality of opportunity for learners.

This workshop is also mapped to descriptors 1-2 (AFHEA and FHEA).


Mr Steve Outram   Dr Natasha Taylor

Curiosity-based learning and interdisciplinarity : Crime and Deviance as a case study

This highly interactive workshop will explore the nature and development of curiosity-based learning and interdisciplinarity generically before applying the model to the field of crime and deviance

On completing this workshop participants will

  • Be able to engage with curiosity-based learning in their own discipline area
  • Explore the nature of interdisciplinary working and identify the potential in their own discipline area for interdisciplinary working
  • Be able to locate curiosity-based learning within interdisciplinary contexts
  • Describe Crime and Deviance as a case study

UKPSF Mapping

Area of Activity

A1 – design and plan learning activities and/or programmes of study;

A4 – develop effective learning environments and approaches to student support and guidance;

A5 – Engage in continuing professional development in subjects/disciplines and their pedagogy incorporating research scholarship and the evaluation of professional practices.

Core Knowledge

K3 – how students learn both generally and within their subject / disciplinary area(s);

K5 – methods for evaluating the effectiveness of teaching;

K6 – the implications of quality assurance and quality enhancement for academic and professional practice with a particular focus on teaching.

Professional Value

V2 – promote participation in higher education and equality of opportunity for learners;

V4 – Acknowledge the wider context in which higher education operates recognising the implications for professional practice.

This workshop is also mapped to descriptors 1-2 (AFHEA and FHEA).


Mr Chris Hoyle Dr Nikki Spalding

Making the most of the HEAR: Embedding the HEAR in the student learning experience

This workshop is designed to support higher education providers with the process of implementing and embedding the Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR) and is of value to a range of colleagues including staff working in registry and quality; the students’ union; students services; careers advisory and employability units; and educational development.

The workshop is designed to enable participants:

  • To consider the context and potential challenges for institutions adopting the HEAR;
  • To find out about the experiences of other institutions who have already implemented the HEAR facilitating the sharing of good practice;
  • To develop strategies and plans that may be used in considering the development of the HEAR;
  • To be aware of emerging priorities in relation to the HEAR including use for formative purposes.

UKPSF Mapping

Area of Activity

A2 – teach and or support learning;

A4 – develop effective learning environments and approaches to student support and guidance.

Core Knowledge

K3 – how students learn both generally and within their subject / disciplinary area(s).

Professional Value

V2 – promote participation in higher education and equality of opportunity for learners;

V4 – Acknowledge the wider context in which higher education operates recognising the implications for professional practice.

This workshop is mapped to descriptors 1 2 3 & 4 (AFHEA and FHEA).


The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.