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Advance HE welcomes the new report, ‘Black, Asian and minority ethnic student attainment at UK universities: #ClosingtheGap’

02 May 2019 | Advance HE Advance HE welcomes the new report, ‘Black, Asian and minority ethnic student attainment at UK universities: #ClosingtheGap’, published today by Universities UK.

Advance HE welcomes the new report, ‘Black, Asian and minority ethnic student attainment at UK universities: #ClosingtheGap’, published today by Universities UK.

Gary Loke, Advance HE's Director of Knowledge, Innovation and Delivery, said, “This is a very powerful report and we are pleased to have provided evidence to support it. 

“The report acknowledges the good work that universities are doing to support BAME students to realise their potential and recognise their success; but it remains deeply troubling that the attainment gap continues to persist, whether in retention or in final outcomes.

"Some of the underlying issues are structural, both in our sector and for society - in other words, these are issues for all of us to address. That said, the higher education sector has an enormous responsibility and opportunity to lead change, and this report points to very good examples of what works. 

“Advance HE is committed to working with the sector by promoting the benefits of the Race Equality Charter (REC) as a thorough framework for action, and through our other initiatives, such as our diversifying leadership and governance programmes. Our ‘embedding Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in the curriculum’ collaborative project draws a range of institutions and disciplines together to further their understanding of inclusive learning and teaching. Our aim is to support the sector’s work to close the attainment gap and to address other issues that detrimentally impact on the outcomes and success for BAME students and staff. 

“Since UUK’s report was drafted the number of institutions signed up to the Race Equality Charter has increased from 48 to 53. This is very good news, and we would encourage more institutions to commit to the REC as an overt declaration of their intent to address equality, coupled with a very practical commitment to change.”

 “Advance HE will be looking at this report in detail, and we look forward to working with colleagues in the sector to redouble efforts to address the challenges it highlights.” 

  • Advance HE’s BME Leadership in Higher Education Summit 2019, 16 May, aims to ‘empower agents of change and key decision makers in higher education to take action within their institution and advance the race equality agenda’.
  • Advance HE has previously announced a review of the REC, starting in the new academic year, 2019-20, and which is expected to report in spring 2020.

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