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Dr Aidan Byrne

National Teaching Fellow 2011 Dr Aidan Byrne graduated from Cardiff University in 1987 as a doctor and after basic training worked in general medicine, becoming a registrar in 1990. After transferring to anaesthesia he worked in South Wales and developed an interest in simulation-based training.
Swansea University
Job Title
Senior Lecturer & Consultant Anaesthetist, School of Medicine
National Teaching Fellow 2011 Dr Aidan Byrne graduated from Cardiff University in 1987 as a doctor and after basic training worked in general medicine, becoming a registrar in 1990. After transferring to anaesthesia he worked in South Wales and developed an interest in simulation-based training. He designed and built the Anaesthetic Computer Controlled Emergency Situation Simulator (ACCESS), which was the first full scale anaesthesia training simulator in the UK. Students have greatly benefited from Aidan's ACCESS simulator and reported it be easy to use, realistic and a valuable educational tool. With the aid of a grant from the Association of Anaesthetists, he pioneered the use of simulation as a training and research tool, leading to an MD. After becoming a full time consultant in Anaesthesia in Swansea, Aidan continued to develop simulation training, both locally and as president of the UK simulation society (now ASPiH). His main research interest is in the effects of workload on human performance and in particular the measurement of mental workload in real/simulated practice and its role in learning and error. In 2004 Aidan joined Swansea University, initially developing two new open access skills laboratories with associated e-learning materials, then developing the clinical skills training within the new joint Graduate Entry Programme. After working with other staff, the clinical skills programme was developed into a fully integrated clinical skills programme and in 2006 he took over as Programme Director. He completed the MSc in medical education in Cardiff in 2005. In 2006 Aidan began the design of a new four year graduate entry medicine programme and led the process of curriculum review, design and implementation of the new curriculum. This is a fully integrated curriculum with early engagement in clinical reasoning, patient contact and the development of clinical skills and professionalism. In 2011 Aidan started work at Cardiff University as the interim Director of Clinical Skills and Simulation whilst maintaining an active role with the Swansea University GEM management team and medical research activities.

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