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Dr Chris Pegler

National Teaching Fellow 2004 Chris Pegler is a senior lecturer in the Institute of Educational Technology at the Open University. She joined the OU in 2000 having previously led resources development for the Warwick Business School distance learning MBA (900 students in 65 countries). Distance learning and e-learning are her main areas of activity, with research interests in the reuse and repurposing of digital resources such as learning objects.
The Open University
Job Title
Senior Lecturer, Institute of Educational Technology
National Teaching Fellow 2004 Chris Pegler is a senior lecturer in the Institute of Educational Technology at the Open University. She joined the OU in 2000 having previously led resources development for the Warwick Business School distance learning MBA (900 students in 65 countries). Distance learning and e-learning are her main areas of activity, with research interests in the reuse and repurposing of digital resources such as learning objects. Her most recent work is particularly focused on how teachers can improve their practice and learn about learning design by sharing and commenting on resources as social objects. This can be informal sharing or through use of formal repositories and open educational resource collections. She has advised several institutional and national projects in this area and has evaluated learning objects for JISC and Scottish Executive funded projects. She is co-editor (with Professor Allison Littlejohn) of the Routledge book series 'Connecting with e-Learning' and is co-author of books within this series on blended e-learning and e-portfolios. In 2006 Chris established the e-learning community of practice (eLC) at the OU, which has a regular programme of events, varied online activity and draws together nearly 300 OU-based e-learning practitioners. This offers many opportunities to engage with and explore emerging learning technologies which she happily embraces. While not a teccie, Chris is an experienced and critical Web 2.0 user. She brings to this community, and her work in general, a number of perspectives of learner and teacher experiences online. She has tutored, studied, authored and managed several online courses, most recently the Designing Learning Environments module within the OUs Certificate in Academic Practice. Chris's NTF award dates from 2004 and drew on work in generating and reusing content from an innovative online course composed of learning objects and repurposing these as the Hot Topics' continuing professional development series.

Advance HE recognises there are different views and approaches to teaching and learning, as such we encourage sharing of practice, without advocating or prescribing specific approaches. NTF and CATE awards recognise teaching excellence in a particular context. The profiles featured are self-submitted by award winners.