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Dr James Pickering

Currently an Associate Professor in Anatomy, Dr James Pickering's passion for teaching has been long-standing. Graduating from the University of Sheffield with an Anatomy degree, he then completed an anatomy-demonstrating, PhD studentship at the University of Leeds. Alongside his research training, he developed his interest in student education by demonstrating anatomy to medical and biomedical students before commencing a teaching and scholarship lectureship in 2012 where he focused on leading modules, designing innovative curricula and engaging in his own personal development.
University of Leeds
Job Title
Associate Professor in Anatomy
Currently an Associate Professor in Anatomy, Dr James Pickering's passion for teaching has been long-standing. Graduating from the University of Sheffield with an Anatomy degree, he then completed an anatomy-demonstrating, PhD studentship at the University of Leeds. Alongside his research training, he developed his interest in student education by demonstrating anatomy to medical and biomedical students before commencing a teaching and scholarship lectureship in 2012 where he focused on leading modules, designing innovative curricula and engaging in his own personal development. Impact of work During this time he developed his own teaching scholarship philosophy by developing innovative pod and screen-casting technology resources that enabled students to engage in core material outside the confines of the lecture theatre. Continuing this theme, he was the lead educator on a Massive Open Online Course - the first anatomy MOOC in the world - that attracted high enrolment and retention rates and positive feedback. This work positioned him on the international scene. He has subsequently been commissioned by European education providers to create numerous online courses and share his innovative approach to student education around the globe. James has established a reputation for conducting rigorous research into the learning gain achieved by technology-enhanced learning resources and has published numerous projects in international education journals. Most recently, he has published a holistic TEL evaluation framework which seeks to measure the impact these resources have on student education. This profile has led to numerous invitations to local, national and international events, where he has expanded on ideas of TEL evaluation across higher education. Moreover, in recognition of this sustained record he has received numerous institutional and national honours. These include a prestigious University Student Education Fellowship, the 2014 Association of Learning Technologists' Learning Technologist of the Year Individual award and a Times Higher Education Most Innovative Teacher of the Year Award. Plans for the future Future work will continue to research, evaluate and disseminate the impact TEL has on student education. Only by understanding its role can meaningful decisions be made on how best to integrate the cutting-edge technology that surrounds us all.

Advance HE recognises there are different views and approaches to teaching and learning, as such we encourage sharing of practice, without advocating or prescribing specific approaches. NTF and CATE awards recognise teaching excellence in a particular context. The profiles featured are self-submitted by award winners.