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Dr Jennifer Hill

National Teaching Fellow 2011 As a Chartered Geographer, Dr Jennifer Hill is passionate about exploring and introducing new ideas and viewpoints into the student learning experience. She has produced bespoke video podcasts about exotic ecosystems, filmed at a number of locations worldwide, in order to enhance student learning.
University of the West of England
Job Title
Associate Head of Department (Research & Scholarship)
National Teaching Fellow 2011 As a Chartered Geographer, Dr Jennifer Hill is passionate about exploring and introducing new ideas and viewpoints into the student learning experience. She has produced bespoke video podcasts about exotic ecosystems, filmed at a number of locations worldwide, in order to enhance student learning. An NTF colleague notes "Jenny's video podcasts provide students with an innovative and unique learning resource. I expect her model of good practice, integrating the technology effectively into student learning, to influence national (even international) practice". Jenny believes that students learn through social interaction and immersion as practitioners in academic communities from the earliest days of their university study. She identifies herself as a learner alongside her students, engaging them as partners in the learning process. This is exemplified by her co-authoring of research with undergraduate students after joint presentation at the Royal Geographical Society (RGS) Annual International Conference in 2010. Jenny is committed to integrating research into undergraduate curricula. She has led curriculum change to deliver a skills spine that runs across all levels of undergraduate geography programmes at UWE, encouraging students to engage in research and inspiring staff to creatively integrate their scholarship into teaching. Author of 26 journal articles, three edited books and almost 100 other outputs, she is committed to articulating this research into her practice. Additionally, through her roles on the Geographical Association (GA)Post-16 Committee, Geography Editorial Collective and RGS Higher Education Research Group, she is leading UK initiatives to bridge the divide between geographical pedagogy in schools and universities: "She continuously works to inspire staff to connect across the divide in conversations that work to enrich the pedagogic practices of both communities" (GA Chief Executive). Jenny is keen to extend education into informal settings. She served for 10 years as an officer in the Territorial Army and in 2003 was mobilised to Basrah, Iraq, where she managed the education of local artisans. This experience demonstrated that education erases ignorance, bringing with it a depth of understanding that transcends divergent cultures and contexts.

Advance HE recognises there are different views and approaches to teaching and learning, as such we encourage sharing of practice, without advocating or prescribing specific approaches. NTF and CATE awards recognise teaching excellence in a particular context. The profiles featured are self-submitted by award winners.