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Dr Richard Hall

National Teaching Fellow 2009 Richard Hall demonstrates a unique set of qualifications for excellence. As De Montfort University's e-Learning Co-ordinator since 2002, he provides strategic guidance, manages national pedagogic projects, and builds institutional networks of academic and support staff. He is also an excellent mentor and teacher in postgraduate Education and undergraduate History.
De Montfort University
Job Title
Head of Enhancing Learning through Technology, Professor of Education and Technology
National Teaching Fellow 2009 Richard Hall demonstrates a unique set of qualifications for excellence. As De Montfort University's e-Learning Co-ordinator since 2002, he provides strategic guidance, manages national pedagogic projects, and builds institutional networks of academic and support staff. He is also an excellent mentor and teacher in postgraduate Education and undergraduate History. "Richard transformed the way I approach teaching, mentoring me and stimulating my thinking. He makes me feel that I have as much to offer in return" [PG Cert HE student]. To reinforce these activities he actively develops his national and international profile, through scholarship and engagements with curriculum development projects. Engagement with the learner voice is at the heart of Richard's work. From his base in the Department of Academic Quality, he aims to empower student self-confidence, decision-making and agency through technologies. His proactive partnership with students and staff led to the development of DMUs e-learning strategies for 2004-07 and 2007-12. As a direct result the latter focuses upon technology-enhanced, student participation in curriculum design and delivery. Richard's ethos is realised by ensuring student representation on key institutional e-learning groups, like DMUs Pathfinder Project Steering Committee and its JISC-funded MoRSE project. Richard has led teaching projects worth £1.6 million that focus upon designing creative learning experiences. "His learner-centred programmes are outstanding in providing appropriate, situated information and practical ideas. We need more inspirational leaders like Richard" [DMU Teacher Fellow]. He empowers a flourishing e-learning network of 10 co-ordinators and 52 academic and academic-related champions at DMU, and a further 10 Collaborative Partner Co-ordinators. Richard inspires these champions to lead by example in the development of user-generated content, multimedia and social networking, and through the delivery of progressive learner-focused pedagogies. "Richard's leadership creates significant momentum for a radical overhaul of the way in which we interact with students and with each other" (Head of School, Faculty of Technology). Richard's focus is always upon transformational leadership that enable students and staff to achieve their potential. He says: "I hope our experiences of technology, framed within proactive learning networks, empower us to make effective pedagogic decisions. But above all, I want our experiences to be fun."

Advance HE recognises there are different views and approaches to teaching and learning, as such we encourage sharing of practice, without advocating or prescribing specific approaches. NTF and CATE awards recognise teaching excellence in a particular context. The profiles featured are self-submitted by award winners.