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Dr Richard Tong

National Teaching Fellow 2011 Professor Richard Tong began his career as a lecturer in sports physiology at Brunel University in 1989 and moved to UWIC in 1992. During his early teaching career Richard was involved in delivering physiology to undergraduate and postgraduate students and was the British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES) Accredited Laboratory Director at UWIC.
Job Title
Professor of Sport and Exercise Science
National Teaching Fellow 2011 Professor Richard Tong began his career as a lecturer in sports physiology at Brunel University in 1989 and moved to UWIC in 1992. During his early teaching career Richard was involved in delivering physiology to undergraduate and postgraduate students and was the British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES) Accredited Laboratory Director at UWIC. In 1994 he became the Programme Director for the first single honours degree in Sport and Exercise Science in Wales and is now the Director of Learning and Teaching and the Deputy Dean of the  Cardiff School of Sport. He is also the Chair of the Division of Education and Professional Development for BASES, which promotes good practice in education and provides a framework for CPD within the sport and exercise sciences. Richard provides support for his colleagues in all aspects of learning, teaching and assessment and places particular emphasis on how to create an effective learning environment by delivering with passion and enthusiasm. One colleague reported that: "Richard led some extremely useful, participatory and forward-looking sessions on the purpose of assessment and assessment strategies. I left those sessions clear and empowered; ready to develop an exciting and relevant assessment strategy for the School."   Richard's philosophy of placing the learner at the centre of the learning environment and stimulating passion and interest in the subject are at the heart of his teaching philosophy. This is exemplified by the following statement resulting from an induction session."Your session was excellent. You created a learning environment that encouraged engagement and interaction but was structured in a way that allowed you to achieve your learning outcomes". Richard is an Honorary Academic Associate of the Subject Network for Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism and was the Sport Liaison Officer for the Network between 2005- 2011. He is a Moderator Champion for learning and teaching for the University of Wales and in this role he supports other moderators and provides CPD opportunities.

Advance HE recognises there are different views and approaches to teaching and learning, as such we encourage sharing of practice, without advocating or prescribing specific approaches. NTF and CATE awards recognise teaching excellence in a particular context. The profiles featured are self-submitted by award winners.