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Mr Christopher Bond

National Teaching Fellow 2004 Chris Bond is Head of Subject for Management and Organisational Behaviour and Programme Director for the Masters in Business Administration at Roehampton University London. Prior to taking up this post, shortly after his NTFS Award, he was Assistant Director and Head of Learning and Teaching Development at the Roehampton Educational Development Centre, a unit dedicated to a wide range of issues including educational development, quality & standards development, distributed learning development, student learning support and student dyslexia and disability support.
University of Roehampton
Job Title
Principal Lecturer in Management and Organisational Behaviour
National Teaching Fellow 2004 Chris Bond is Head of Subject for Management and Organisational Behaviour and Programme Director for the Masters in Business Administration at Roehampton University London. Prior to taking up this post, shortly after his NTFS Award, he was Assistant Director and Head of Learning and Teaching Development at the Roehampton Educational Development Centre, a unit dedicated to a wide range of issues including educational development, quality & standards development, distributed learning development, student learning support and student dyslexia and disability support. Chris has developed both long and short term programmes for employees of large organisations such as The National Health Service Information Authority, Bass Inns & Taverns, West Midlands Passenger Transport, Birmingham City Council, Birmingham Voluntary Sector Council. In addition, Chris has undertaken a range of consultancy assignments with various NHS Trusts, Peugeot Motor Company, Computacentre and for several UK Universities. Chris has spent two major periods seconded to The National Health Service where he has worked with a large range of medical and health care professionals and other staff groups such as IM&T professionals and clinical coders. His programme design and delivery includes undergraduate, postgraduate and applied workplace programmes accredited by recognised academic and/or professional bodies. His experience includes the assessment, accreditation and evaluation of a range of training and development programmes in the UK, France, USA, Australia, China, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Thailand, India and South Africa. Chris has published and presented papers at a number of international conferences on work placed learning, organisational learning and higher education approaches to quality enhancement. Most recently he is presenting two refereed papers at ICEL 2008 in Sydney, Australia. Chris used his NTFS Award to develop and embed a University-wide framework for skills development in undergraduates. The framework was supported by the development of a university-wide e-portfolio and modules embedded in particular programmes of study that sought to develop and recognise skills development as an essential part of the undergraduate curriculum.

Advance HE recognises there are different views and approaches to teaching and learning, as such we encourage sharing of practice, without advocating or prescribing specific approaches. NTF and CATE awards recognise teaching excellence in a particular context. The profiles featured are self-submitted by award winners.