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Mr Tony Mann

National Teaching Fellow 2008 Tony Mann has been teaching at the University of Greenwich since 1989 and is in the Department of Mathematical Sciences. With a background in computing and maths he takes a leading role in curriculum development and his teaching ranges from algebra, number theory and history of mathematics to interaction design and digital creativity. Tony always seeks to excite students with new approaches, whether it be using conjuring tricks to make points about multimedia design or role-play to help students appreciate issues about statistics in everyday life.
University of Greenwich
Job Title
Director of Resources, School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences
National Teaching Fellow 2008 Tony Mann has been teaching at the University of Greenwich since 1989 and is in the Department of Mathematical Sciences. With a background in computing and maths he takes a leading role in curriculum development and his teaching ranges from algebra, number theory and history of mathematics to interaction design and digital creativity. Tony always seeks to excite students with new approaches, whether it be using conjuring tricks to make points about multimedia design or role-play to help students appreciate issues about statistics in everyday life. His 'Modelling Weeks' involve first and second year students abandoning their normal timetable for a weeks intensive work applying mathematics to address complex real-world problems such as planning to contain the spread of an infectious animal disease. A student wrote of this course, "Exciting and thought-provoking, it inspired and encouraged all students to achieve. The safe, supporting atmosphere Tony provided, coupled with his enthusiasm, motivated students in a new way." Tony and his colleagues introduced an end of year Degree Show for digital media students providing graduating students the opportunity show off their work to family, friends and potential employers.  Now in its seventh year, this show has seen some graduates receive job offers on the spot, but also boosts the confidence of students who are astonished to find out how much they have achieved during their studies. One 2002 graduate says, "It gave me the confidence to make my own decisions and to trust my own abilities. What I learnt has been invaluable in my career." Tony is very active in the UK mathematics community and works tirelessly to promote the subject, leading  Royal Institution masterclasses for school students and giving public lectures. With his commitment to widening participation in higher education, he is delighted that so many students come to share his passion for mathematics, computing and education at all levels. Tony is currently Presdient of the British Society for the History of Mathematics, Reviews Editor for the  Newsletter of the London Mathematical Society, serves on the Council of the  UK Mathematics Trust, is a committee member of the Computer Arts Society and is Treasurer of the inter-disciplinary Leonardo da Vinci Society.

Advance HE recognises there are different views and approaches to teaching and learning, as such we encourage sharing of practice, without advocating or prescribing specific approaches. NTF and CATE awards recognise teaching excellence in a particular context. The profiles featured are self-submitted by award winners.