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Mrs Sue Burkill

National Teaching Fellow 2009 Sue Burkill is the Head of Education Enhancement at the University of Exeter. Providing a high quality learning experience is important to the University and Sue has a pivotal role to play in ensuring that this happens. Her three careers to date have involved an exciting mix which Sue has enjoyed immensely. For 25 years she taught geography in schools and higher education.
University of Exeter
Job Title
Head of Education Enhancement
National Teaching Fellow 2009 Sue Burkill is the Head of Education Enhancement at the University of Exeter. Providing a high quality learning experience is important to the University and Sue has a pivotal role to play in ensuring that this happens. Her three careers to date have involved an exciting mix which Sue has enjoyed immensely. For 25 years she taught geography in schools and higher education. Teaching PGCE students then led to a fascinating second career in teaching higher education lecturers, where she ran courses and workshops to help others become confident and competent teachers. Finally, she has been involved in educational leadership which has bought her large scale opportunities to enhance learning and teaching. As Chair of the  Heads of Educational Development Group Sue is increasingly involved in national enhancement initiatives. "Supporting the personal and professional development of staff and students particularly those who needed extra help - and then seeing them succeed has been the most satisfying and challenging aspect of my career". One underpinning philosophy of Sue's work has been to engage and empower students to get much more involved in planning and assessing their own learning. Sue has supported a 'Students as Change Agents' project which employs students to research education issues in their own departments. The outcomes were presented to academics in a student-led conference in June 2009. Sue has led several innovative e-Learning projects developing materials for students and staff. In one case this involved using role play and interactive approaches through which students designed flood prevention schemes for a local village; in another staff have been able to test their knowledge and understanding of plagiarism in an online quiz. Other exciting projects which Sue has recently undertaken include designing a teaching and learning incubator space, providing facilities for students and staff to practice with new technologies, and a recently published booklet to help technical specialists understand more about how they can support the students they work with. In recent years Sue has supported others to develop and realise their aspirations. She played a central role in gaining four CETLs for the University of Plymouth and has helped bring in over half a million pounds to Exeter in the last year to take forward technology enhanced learning. The number of colleagues and students who came forward to support Sue's National Teaching Fellowship application is testimony to the lasting impression she has had on students and colleagues.

Advance HE recognises there are different views and approaches to teaching and learning, as such we encourage sharing of practice, without advocating or prescribing specific approaches. NTF and CATE awards recognise teaching excellence in a particular context. The profiles featured are self-submitted by award winners.