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Professor Alex Haslam

National Teaching Fellow 2010 At Exeter, Alex is part of a team of internationally renowned researchers who conduct theory-driven research into a range of core social and organisational topics including leadership and motivation, stereotyping and prejudice, group conflict and tyranny, stress and well-being. In the last five years this work has attracted over £2 million funding from a range of agencies and is exemplified by two forthcoming books: 'The New Psychology of Leadership: Identity, Influence and Power' (with Steve Reicher and Michael Platow; London, Psychology Press) and 'The Social Cure: Identity, Health and Well-being' (with Jolanda Jetten and Catherine Haslam; London, Psychology Press).
University of Exeter
Job Title
Professor of Social and Organisational Psychology
National Teaching Fellow 2010 At Exeter, Alex is part of a team of internationally renowned researchers who conduct theory-driven research into a range of core social and organisational topics including leadership and motivation, stereotyping and prejudice, group conflict and tyranny, stress and well-being. In the last five years this work has attracted over £2 million funding from a range of agencies and is exemplified by two forthcoming books: 'The New Psychology of Leadership: Identity, Influence and Power' (with Steve Reicher and Michael Platow; London, Psychology Press) and 'The Social Cure: Identity, Health and Well-being' (with Jolanda Jetten and Catherine Haslam; London, Psychology Press). In 2005 Alex received a Kurt Lewin award from the European Association of Social Psychology for 'outstanding contribution to research in social psychology'. In the same year his work with Michelle Ryan on the 'glass cliff' was short-listed for the Times Higher Education Research Project of the Year. This work was also identified by the New York Times Magazine as one of the 'Best 100 Ideas' of 2008. In 2006 Alex was made a fellow of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, and in 2010 he was made a Fellow of the American Psychological Society. In 2001 Alex collaborated with Professor Stephen Reicher from the University of St Andrews to conduct the BBC Prison Study. The study was one of the largest in social psychology in the last 30 years and was the basis for BBC2's ground-breaking documentary The Experiment (for details see This collaboration led to the researchers being awarded the British Psychology Society's Annual Award for Excellence in Teaching in 2010. Alex was formerly a Jones Scholar at Emory University in Atlanta and a Commonwealth Scholar at Macquarie University, Sydney. He is a former Associate Editor of the British Journal of Social Psychology and Chief Editor of the European Journal of Social Psychology, and is currently on the editorial board of ten international journals including Scientific American Mind.

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