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Professor John David Fieldhouse

National Teaching Fellow 2008 John Fieldhouse credits much of his academic success to his industrial experience. An apprentice trained engineer with 19 years' industrial experience, he graduated with a first class Honours degree after just two years of study. It is this blend of industry and academia which has forged John's firm belief that students need realistic experiences if they are to appreciate their subject and reach their potential. He promotes the idea that students are professional engineers working towards a qualification with demonstrable respect that he says brings the best out of them.
University of Huddersfield
Job Title
Senior Lecturer Computing and Engineering
National Teaching Fellow 2008 John Fieldhouse credits much of his academic success to his industrial experience. An apprentice trained engineer with 19 years' industrial experience, he graduated with a first class Honours degree after just two years of study. It is this blend of industry and academia which has forged John's firm belief that students need realistic experiences if they are to appreciate their subject and reach their potential. He promotes the idea that students are professional engineers working towards a qualification with demonstrable respect that he says brings the best out of them. On his appointment as Design Lecturer, John began to develop the design studio and design teaching at Huddersfield. His previous experiences allowed him to introduce a 'learn by doing' philosophy of teaching, exposing students to real engineering artefacts - using them for investigative projects integrating analysis, machining, assembly and design. Committed to his students, John introduced non-examined modules where analysis, manufacture, testing and then design optimisation provided them with opportunities to demonstrate their knowledge, creating a learning partnership between teacher and student, giving them the confidence to accept responsibility for their role in the learning experience. His contribution to Huddersfield's design facilities and teaching has established an enviable reputation for quality and forward thinking, a reputation underlined when he gained a commendation for 'The Progressive Use of Projects' in an Engineering Industry Training Board National Award. Many colleagues visit the studio as an exemplar of excellence, and to promote such a facility at their institutions. John has since developed one of the finest automotive engineering teaching and research facilities in the UK and in his latest publication 'The Education of Automotive Engineers to Meet the Global Demands of the 21st Century' he addresses cultural diversity and challenges industry to accept its role in the education of its engineers; globally promoting the hands-on philosophy. Possessing a keen sense of international awareness, John currently promotes a Train the Trainers initiative in Saudi Arabia and is involved in educational development at several institutions abroad. At home he is concerned with the welfare of overseas students and the increasing cultural diversity that exists in higher education. Interests: Cultural awareness, student centred learning, learning by doing, interesting and novel means of assessment, enjoyment in teaching and learning.

Advance HE recognises there are different views and approaches to teaching and learning, as such we encourage sharing of practice, without advocating or prescribing specific approaches. NTF and CATE awards recognise teaching excellence in a particular context. The profiles featured are self-submitted by award winners.