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Professor Simon Kemp

National Teaching Fellow 2010 Simon has a passion for teaching and a mission to ensure his students make a real difference in the field of environmental science and sustainability. His success in embedding employability into his teaching has drawn wide interest. Dr. Peter Shaw, Chair of the national Committee of Heads of Environmental Science (CHES) has written: "The national standing of Southampton's undergraduate programmes in terms of practical and professional skills exceeds requirements for professional accreditation by a generous margin, due very much to Simon's contributions to curriculum development and delivery."
University of Southampton
Job Title
Deputy Head (Education), School of Geography and Environmental Science, Faculty of Environmental and Life Sciences, University of Southampton
National Teaching Fellow 2010 Simon has a passion for teaching and a mission to ensure his students make a real difference in the field of environmental science and sustainability. His success in embedding employability into his teaching has drawn wide interest. Dr. Peter Shaw, Chair of the national Committee of Heads of Environmental Science (CHES) has written: "The national standing of Southampton's undergraduate programmes in terms of practical and professional skills exceeds requirements for professional accreditation by a generous margin, due very much to Simon's contributions to curriculum development and delivery." Simon has won numerous teaching awards. This is a typical testimonial from one of his former students: "Simon was a truly dedicated lecturer providing an aspirational insight into sustainability that set me on the course to where I am now; the personal time and support he gave to all students was remarkable and personally helped me gain the First I received from the University of Southampton." (Janet Kidner, Head of Sustainability, Lend Lease) Simon has attracted many big-name companies to work with the university and act as case studies for his students. A recent example was a project with the mineral water company, Hildon, to help them develop an Environmental Management System (EMS): "The project was well thought through and structured causing minimal disruption to the workplace. Without his help, [we] would still be developing an EMS and searching to enlist someone as professional and knowledgeable as Simon." (Debbie Jones, Environmental Manager Hildon ltd). Simon is a keen student of pedagogical skills who is at the forefront of his academic discipline and profession. He manages to transform the student experience and his work is best summed up by recent graduate Holly Stowell: "He is one of those rare people who really and truly loves his profession; his passion, enthusiasm and extensive knowledge and experience all shine through and are used to successfully inspire, motivate and develop his students".

Advance HE recognises there are different views and approaches to teaching and learning, as such we encourage sharing of practice, without advocating or prescribing specific approaches. NTF and CATE awards recognise teaching excellence in a particular context. The profiles featured are self-submitted by award winners.