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Carol Burns

In all, Carol has 20 years experience working with governing bodies across HE, the public and not for profit sectors. Her early career was spent in the private sector, including three years as a management consultant at KPMG and three years at the Financial Times. She then ran her own media and marketing consultancy before joining the HE sector.
Advance HE
Job Title

Carol has advised universities and other organisations on strategic issues, restructures and optimising the benefit of their IT investment as well as running many projects to enhance the student experience. She has also spoken at high-level strategic conferences on these issues.

With direct experience of life on the senior management team, Carol is a sought after mentor for senior staff and takes a keen interest in individual and team development with experience of running development programmes. She has conducted effectiveness reviews for governing bodies and supported new governors and chairs in understanding the role and its context as well as working with student sabbatical officers and student governors to develop themselves in their roles.