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Claudia Boerescu

Claudia Boerescu is the Head of Teaching and Learning and Programme Manager for teacher education. With a background in both HE and FE settings as a senior lecturer, academic liaison and programme lead, she has experience in supporting improvement and innovation across the whole organisation. She has currently taken a keen interest developing the strategy for digital innovation and AI and represents Newham College in JISC and AI in FE collaboration groups. "
Job Title
Head of Teaching and Learning and Programme Manager, Newham College of Further Education

Claudia Boerescu is the Head of Teaching and Learning and Programme Manager for teacher education. With a background in both HE and FE settings as a senior lecturer, academic liaison and programme lead, she has experience in supporting improvement and innovation across the whole organisation. She has currently taken a keen interest developing the strategy for digital innovation and AI and represents Newham College in JISC and AI in FE collaboration groups.