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Georgina Brown

Specialising in behavioural change, Georgina has over 23 years of experience working on equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) projects with leading organisations.
Advance HE
Job Title
Senior Adviser, Athena Swan

Georgina became part of the Equality Charters Team in November 2021 as a Senior Adviser, providing members with strategic guidance on how to progress along their gender equality journey.

Specialising in behavioural change, Georgina has over 23 years’ experience of working on equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) projects with leading organisations. Prior to her current role, Georgina worked for Europe’s leading change management company for over 10 years, specialising in EDI projects primarily within the higher education, uniformed services, and business to consumer sectors.

Georgina brings a wealth of experience focusing on three areas, auditing systems and processes through an inclusive lens, crafting and delivering bespoke EDI training and coaching packages, and delivering social change campaigns. Her portfolio has included: The British Army, Department of Education, L’Oreal, Logica, The Home Office, European Parliament, Universities, the NHS, and the Borders and Immigration Agency. With projects ranging from recruiting a more diverse army, to auditing the UK’s detention estate and working on McPhersons’ Stephen Lawrence inquiry. In 2018 she joined the University of Bath as their Head of EDI, and in 2020 gave a TEDx talk We not Me: A Bid for Belonging.

Georgina is also the founder of BARDO Inclusive a consultancy and strategic enabler for EDI that is focused on the retail, sports, outdoor and health sectors. She is a trustee of a charity that caters for the needs of her local community leading on inclusion, safeguarding and supporting our ‘feed bellies not bins’ project. She is also an active coach for the Social Mobility Foundation.

Georgina’s vision is to develop the inclusion narrative with a focus on self-reflection, social cohesion, shared values and kindness. She holds an MSc in Strategic Management from the University of Bristol.