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Jolanta Peters

Jolanta Peters works as a Research and Library Services Manager at Bridgwater and Taunton College/University Centre Somerset (BTC/UCS). She has a dual role of supporting BTC/UCS staff with their engagement in research and scholarship and manages a library team at the College’s Taunton campus.
University Centre Somerset
Job Title
Research and Library Services Manager

Jolanta Peters works as a Research and Library Services Manager at Bridgwater and Taunton College/University Centre Somerset (BTC/UCS). She has a dual role of supporting BTC/UCS staff with their engagement in research and scholarship and manages a library team at the College’s Taunton campus.

Jolanta started her career in Lithuania as a qualified teacher in foreign modern languages, and now works as a library and information specialist in the UK. She is a Fellow of HE Academy and continuously researches into innovative practices within the library and information services.

Her recent research into the “Embedded Librarian” practices culminated in a prestigious CoLRIC (Council for Learning Resources in Colleges) Innovative Practice Award (CIPA), with an article published in the CoLRIC’s Impact magazine, January 2023 issue. Jolanta is also an editor of the UCS Research and Scholarship publication, which has had numerous editions since 2013 and is featured on the College’s website.