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Kathryn O’Loan

Kathryn has significant senior-level public policy experience, shaping strategy and managing complex stakeholder environments to deliver a positive impact for learners and staff. She had strategic oversight for SFC’s quality assurance and enhancement agenda across further and higher education provision in Scotland’s colleges and universities. 
Job Title
Director for Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland (SWNI)

Kathryn has significant senior level public policy experience, shaping strategy and managing complex stakeholder environments to deliver positive impact for learners and staff. 

Kathryn joined QAA in 2023 from the Scottish Funding Council (SFC), the tertiary education and research authority in Scotland, where she was Assistant Director, Access, Learning and Outcomes. She had strategic oversight for SFC’s quality assurance and enhancement agenda across further and higher education provision in Scotland’s colleges and universities.  This included leading development of the high-profile recommendation within SFC’s Review of Sustainability and Coherence – for a tertiary approach to quality. Kathryn also lead SFC’s quality agenda at UK level, including relationships and collaboration with partners across Wales and Northern Ireland. 

Prior to her career at SFC, Kathryn managed programmes for Community Education and for Education for Sustainability across a range of NDPB’s and universities. 

and universities.  This included leading development of the high-profile recommendation within SFC’s Review of Sustainability and Coherence – for a tertiary approach to quality. Kathryn also lead SFC’s quality agenda at UK level, including relationships and collaboration with partners across Wales and Northern Ireland. 

Prior to her career at SFC, Kathryn managed programmes for Community Education and for Education for Sustainability across a range of NDPB’s and universities.