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Madiha Sajid

Madiha is a Fellow of Higher Education Academy, UK and a specialist in Equality, Diversity, & Inclusion. She has more than 15 years of experience in UK Higher Education. She has more than 15 years of experience in UK Higher Education.
Imperial College London
Job Title
Learning and Development Manager, People and Organisational Development

Madiha is a Fellow of Higher Education Academy, UK and a specialist in Equality, Diversity, & Inclusion. She has more than 15 years of experience in UK Higher Education. She is based at Imperial College London where she is heading the Management & Leadership portfolio of the College. She leads training workshops for academic and teaching staff on a variety of topics in the categories of higher education leadership, coaching for leaders, quality assurance and standard-setting, and creating safe and inclusive learning environments. She has expertise in designing bespoke training programmes, establishing Communities of Practice, mentoring programmes for female academics in HEIs, career mentoring programmes for students and skills development programme for professional services staff. 

Madiha has graduated from the prestigious Institute of Education, UCL specialising in Gender, Education, and International Development. She was previously the Chair of Gender Network, and Athena Forum at UCL. She is closely examining the role of women in Leadership and Decision-Making with a focus on those from ethnic minorities, the existing barriers to access leadership positions in higher education, and the enablers for a successful top management team. Madiha is also working with the international network of Women in Higher Education which is a dedicated network to speed up gender equality, and support women scientists and researchers progress in their careers.

Madiha is a volunteer consultant with UPSIGN (UK Pakistan Science and Innovation Global Network which was set up in 2017 as a charity that consists of over 250 academics, researchers, policy makers, practitioners, and expert professionals. UPSIGN’s work is framed around the UN Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs).