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Opeyemi Oluwatosin Akindehin

Opeyemi is a recent graduate of M.Sc. Environmental Sustainability at Edinburgh Napier University. She was elected as the Course Representative for her course and cohort. She did well to portray the issues her classmates faced to the relevant authorities. After her degree, she decided to run for the Co-President of Education and Employability for the Edinburgh Napier Student Association and got elected.
Edinburgh Napier University
Job Title
Co-President of Education and Employability, Edinburgh Napier Student Association

Opeyemi is a recent graduate of M.Sc. Environmental Sustainability at Edinburgh Napier University. She was elected as the Course Representative for her course and cohort. She did well to portray the issues her classmates faced to the relevant authorities. After her degree, she decided to run for the Co-President of Education and Employability for the Edinburgh Napier Student Association and got elected. Now, she represents the views and concerns of around 20,000 students across different Napier Campuses which include international, global online students, undergraduates, and postgraduates both taught and research.