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About Aurora

Aurora is a leadership ignition journey, inspiring women to aspire and achieve leadership positions within higher education.

Aurora is higher education's most renowned leadership development initiative for women. Run as a collaboration between Advance HE in conjunction with higher education institutions and advocates - known as Aurora Champions - it addresses the under-representation of women in leadership positions.  Aurora is a leadership ignition journey, inspiring women to aspire and achieve leadership positions within higher education. 

Launched in 2013, Aurora has grown year on year and is now a community of over 10,000 Aurorans. Led by a team of leadership experts and in conjunction with a mentoring process, participants will explore four key areas associated with leadership success: Identity, Impact & Voice; Core Leadership; Politics & Influence and Adaptive Leadership with two Action Learning Sets, a face-to-face day - Your Future in HE - and optional Networking sessions. 

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Programmes and events portfolio

NEW programmes, conferences and events portfolio for 2024-25

Our new portfolio for 2024-25 blends high-quality learning and insight-sharing opportunities delivered using a range of innovative techniques and platforms both in person and virtually. If your organisation is an Advance HE member you could benefit from a 25% discount on booking prices across our portfolio.

Download your copy
Programmes and Events brochure 2024-25
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Development Days and Action Learning Sets

Welcome and Introduction Webinar

The Welcome and Introduction session is an integral part of the programme. It will give you an opportunity to meet your fellow Aurorans and start forming crucial relationships for your development. We will invite you to share your individual objectives for taking part in Aurora and will discuss how the Aurora journey can support achieving those. We will be joined by a guest speaker who will share with us her experiences of being a senior woman leader.

Identity, Impact and Voice

Identity, Impact and Voice will launch you into your leadership journey by focusing on what ‘makes you, you’ and the people who have inspired you. We will also discuss how your identity impacts your leadership in positive ways. Lastly, we will be thinking about what it means to be on the receiving end of you, how you show up and how you might flex your communication style to have a greater impact on all those around you.

Core Leadership

Core Leadership is all about you – who you are, what matters to you, and how to mobilise the tools in your REAL leadership toolbox. Working together, supporting each other, we explore purpose and values and what these mean for leaders. Articulating the what and the why of your leadership brings clarity about you and what you represent. Sharing our stories and experiences, we explore leadership in HE, further developing your network.

Action Learning Set 1

Hosted by Advance HE, delegates will be introduced to the peer-to-peer support process of Action Learning Sets (ALS). This is a widely used and reliable model for helping people form supportive groups, develop their listening and communication skills and solve their own issues within their career. Following an introduction to the process of ALS, delegates will be allocated to groups of 4-5 delegates from a mixture of institutions and areas of higher education, where they will spend the duration of the session developing those skills through an experiential learning process.

Politics and Influence

This development day invites participants to look at their individual leadership against the backdrop of their institutions’ cultures and politics. Individuals are invited to examine their levels of emotional intelligence and personal influence, emerging with an enhanced ability to amplify the profile they want to nurture. Participants will be encouraged to think about building coalitions, developing networks and making lasting, mutually supportive connections.

Adaptive Leadership

Adaptability seems widely believed to be essential in “good leadership”. However, what is understood by “good leadership? What does it really mean to be an adaptive leader today? Why is it relevant to women? This session will briefly look at the Adaptive Leadership approach developed by Ronald Heifetz and will explore how its main features inform your own leadership style and practice as well as our purpose in contributing towards positive change.

Action Learning Set 2

For this final session, delegates reconvene and host their own Action Learning Set group online, where they continue to support each other using the ALS process, further developing their communication and listening skills.


Mentoring is a reommended element of Aurora with delegates working with a mentor and meeting approximately 4-6 times over the duration of the programme. Delegates should discuss their mentoring arrangements with their Aurora Champion or sponsor before starting the programme.
Aurora mentor

Your Future in HE Event (Face-to-Face)

Your Future in HE

Your Future in HE is to serve as the ultimate day of development, providing ample opportunities for Aurorans to engage, network, and connect with one another in person. This includes meeting and catching up with their respective action learning set groups.

The day will begin with a panel of expert speakers discussing ‘The Future of HE’ before answering your questions. Delegates will then explore the topic further in smaller groups, sharing experiences and aspirations, examining the challenges women face as leaders and identifying the practical steps that can be taken to achieve their goals.

Throughout the day, we will revisit the four key areas associated with leadership success and delivered by Aurora:
- Identity, Impact & Voice
- Core Leadership
- Politics & Influence
- Adaptive Leadership


To help Aurorans to network across all cohorts, we have curated a range of 2-hour online optional informal networking events. The sessions involve collectively watching a Ted Talk, followed by discussion in smaller rooms to share insights and themes. These sessions are designed to supplement participants' learning journey, as well as facilitating the discussion of more informal topics including: 

  • Reflective Practice in Your Leadership
  • Giving Feedback as a Leadership Skill
  • Life Transitions: Career Breaks, Maternity and Menopause
  • Wellbeing and Resilience 

How to book onto Aurora

Prospective delegates should first contact their Aurora Champion or other Learning and Development Sponsor at their institution. Aurora is a collaboration between the institution and Advance HE, and programme places are often managed by an institution's internal recruitment process. Please visit the Aurora Champion Directory for more information.

Aurora Champions or those looking to become Aurora Champions should contact our support team at to make enquiries. Details of how to book onto Aurora will be shared directly with Aurora Champions via their email newsletter.
View Aurora Champion Directory

Aurora Delivery Team

Past Aurora speakers