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Artificial Intelligence Symposium 2025

AI Symposium 2025 will focus on building ethical and sustainable student learning journeys


The higher education landscape has undergone a profound transformation, propelled by the rapid integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The journey of embedding AI into the educational system, from induction to teaching, learning, and student outcomes, necessitates a thoughtful exploration of its pedagogical, ethical and disciplinary dimensions. 

As online AI tools grow in popularity and sophistication, how can HE assessors validate the authenticity of students’ work and ensure parity of grading and awards? How do we ensure we understand and support colleagues' usage of artificial intelligence in an ethically sustainable way? 

By way of a keynote, case studies and peer-led presentations, this symposium aims to answer these questions and explore the impact of AI, both positive and negative, on Teaching and Learning in HE. 

The symposium will be preceded by a call for contributions, inviting practitioners to submit an abstract on their work as a stimulus presentation or case study to support the discussions.

Event Information

Date: 25 February 2025, virtual

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Who should attend?

Teaching practitioners including: heads of departments, academic programme leaders and developers, lecturers, professional services staff supporting teaching and learning activities, widening participation and access staff, equality diversity and inclusion practitioners and learning technologists. 

A digital badge award will recognise presenters at this event.

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Who is facilitating the event?

Dr Kay Hack (PFHEA)

Lead Consultant (Education)
Advance HE
Dr Kay Hack
Kay leads a team of senior consultants to deliver a range of services to the HE sector to support strategic leadership and change in HEIs.

Charles Knight

Assistant Director, Knowledge & Innovation
Advance HE
Charles Knight
Charles is an academic leader with a proven track record of delivery in the areas of learning teaching and enterprise. Before joining Advance HE, he was Associate Dean (Student Experience) at Salford Business School where he worked with colleagues to introduce a series of innovative practices including short technical qualifications, block teaching and an increased emphasis on the use of simulations and experimental learning.

Our senior consultants will be joined by expert keynote speakers and panellists to share the latest thinking, enhancements, and challenges in using AI in HE.

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5% Early Booking Discount available

There is a 5% early booking discount for bookings made before 30 September 2024 on this service. This is in addition to a 25% discount if your organisation is an Advance HE member.

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Share and celebrate your achievements with digitally recognised learning

For much of our portfolio for 2024-25 the learning of event attendees and programme participants and conference, symposia and colloquia presenters will be digitally recognised.

This makes it easy for you to share and celebrate your achievements by adding them to your email signature or including them in your social profiles including Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook. Your learning certificates can also be easily verified and downloaded as a pdf.

Find out more about digitally recognised learning
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