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National Teaching Fellows

The National Teaching Fellowship (NTF) Scheme celebrates and recognises individuals who have made an outstanding impact on student outcomes and the teaching profession in higher education. Meet the National Teaching Fellows below.
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NTFS Allyship Scheme

The Allyship scheme is an important development to help to increase the representation, progression, and success of individuals identified as being from an under-represented group(s) in the NTFS.

National Teaching Fellows

Dr Robert Wilson
Job Title:Senior Lecturer in Mathematics
Institution: Cardiff University
Year: 2019
Dr Wilson's career at Cardiff University has evolved from an initial six-month teaching assistant contract, to becoming the inaugural Dean of Education Innovation. He has had opportunity to work with students and colleagues from across the institution and sector, to drive-forward learning and teaching initiatives in support of the student experience.
Dr Jane White
Job Title:Senior Lecturer
Institution: University of Bath
Year: 2019
Dr Jane White is a strong advocate for widening participation in higher education and has developed significant, sustainable initiatives to support student learning. She is the founding director of MASH, the institutional mathematics support centre which has become a national centre for excellence, with specialism in mathematics accessibility.
Dr Gary Wood
Job Title:Head of Sheffield Engineering Leadership Academy/University Teaching Fellow in Professional Skills
Institution: University of Sheffield
Year: 2019
NTFS Ally, supporting applications from: College based HE providers, Disabled colleagues, Part-time colleagues, Professional services colleagues, Staff from a minority ethnic background
Dr Gary C Wood is passionate about inspiring learning in others. An award-winning educator, he has expertise in supporting student transitions through authentic learning and embedded professional skills training. He has pioneered student engagement through pedagogical consultancy and collaborative curriculum design, and his impact is attested by students and colleagues internationally.
Professor Richard Owen
Job Title:Director
Institution: Swansea University
Year: 2019
Richard wants students to experience the law’s potential to powerfully affect people’s lives and become change makers. He wants his students to be embedded in their local communities to engage with the major challenges they currently face in order to devise their own innovative solutions.
Dr Mike Seal
Job Title:Reader in Critical Pedagogy
Institution: Birmingham Newman University
Year: 2019
Dr Mike Seal is a reader in critical pedagogy. Over 20 years he has developed a model of queer and critical pedagogy.
Dr Clive Palmer
Job Title:Doctoral Education Lead for Learning Through Research
Institution: University of Central Lancashire
Year: 2019
NTFS Ally, supporting applications from: College based HE providers, Part-time colleagues, Professional services colleagues
Since winning his NTF, Clive has taken a strategic lead in promoting widening participation through Doctoral Education at UCLan, alongside elevating professional recognition of research supervisors nationally through his work for UKCGE.
S, Kamal
Job Title:Principal Lecturer, Student Experience, Faculty of Technology, Design & Environment
Year: 2019
Dr. Samia Kamal is an inspiring advocate of diversity and inclusivity, both within her discipline and the higher education sector more broadly. Her championing of Computer Science pedagogy has helped to transform students’ experiences at Oxford Brookes, especially women in STEM subjects, through her proactivism and advocacy for underrepresented groups.
Richard Lewis
Job Title:Director of Postgraduate Studies
Institution: Cardiff University
Year: 2019
Dr Richard Lewis' greatest source of pride is seeing how he has truly created a community of MSc students who identify as real research scientists. He considers it both humbling and inspiring to see them thrive in their research and industrial careers once their MSc studentships are over.
Katherine Linehan
Job Title:Professor of Anatomical Education, Faculty Director Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Institution: University of Sheffield
Year: 2019
Professor Katherine Linehan is an Anatomist and Educationalist. She creates inspiring inclusive curricula that makes learning Anatomy at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels accessible to all students. As Programme Director for the MSc Human Anatomy with Education she is committed to training the next generation of Anatomy Teachers.
Dr Duncan Cross
Job Title:Associate Teaching Professor
Institution: University of Bolton
Year: 2019
Dr Duncan Cross is an Associate Teaching Professor and has a background in Refugee Healthcare Professionals and International Medical Graduates, Teacher Education and Academic Development. Compassionate rigor sits at the heart of Duncan’s practice in teaching and learning, especially in researching transitions and matching expectations.
Professor Sally Curtis
Job Title:Professorial Fellow (Education)
Institution: University of Southampton
Year: 2019
Professor Sally Curtis is a passionate and committed advocate of widening participation in medicine. Her inclusive approach fosters self-belief and embraces the tremendous value of her students. Sally designs and delivers teaching, assessment and support to help students optimise their potential and to support the national and global development of widening participation.
Dr Phil Denton
Job Title:Associate Dean (Education)
Institution: Liverpool John Moores University
Year: 2019
Through his Associate Dean (Education) role, Dr Phil Denton oversees innovation, implementation and monitoring in respect of the University’s teaching and learning strategy. Students have acknowledged his compelling classroom practice as a Principal Lecturer in Physical Chemistry, notably in formative assessment and large-group teaching using modern technologies to facilitate engagement.