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National Teaching Fellows

The National Teaching Fellowship (NTF) Scheme celebrates and recognises individuals who have made an outstanding impact on student outcomes and the teaching profession in higher education. Meet the National Teaching Fellows below.
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NTFS Allyship Scheme

The Allyship scheme is an important development to help to increase the representation, progression, and success of individuals identified as being from an under-represented group(s) in the NTFS.

National Teaching Fellows

Dr Yota Dimitriadi
Job Title:Associate Professor in TEL & Computer Science Education, Institute of Education
Institution: University of Reading
Year: 2019
Dr Yota Dimitriadi is an experienced, innovative teacher-educator who specialises in the field of digital technologies and computer science education with passion around inclusion and diversity. Her special interest is in digital wellbeing and inclusive self-care practices for caring professions. A member of national and international committees, Yota influences policy and practice around women’s leadership skills and female engagement in STEM.
Dr Liz Doherty
Job Title:Lecturer in Traditional Music
Institution: Ulster University
Year: 2019
A fiddle player, Dr Liz Doherty has 25 years of experience in higher education, where she has played a pioneering role in developing traditional music as a viable discipline nationally and internationally. She has developed imaginative experiential learning opportunities for students at Ulster University and is regarded as a role model among colleagues.
Farrukh Akhtar
Job Title:Course Leader, BA in Social Work
Institution: Kingston University
Year: 2019
Farrukh Akhtar’s work as a social worker for over 25 years, and senior lecturer for ten years, has fed her interest in engaging with counter-narratives. She has led a number of innovative projects that have championed the themes of developing inclusive and transformative curricula, increasing student soft skills and creating community.
Amy Barlow
Job Title:Head of Academic Development
Institution: University of Portsmouth
Year: 2019
Amy Barlow is Head of Academic Development at the University of Portsmouth. Her pioneering work in student engagement has led to staff-student partnership work which empowers students as change leaders, locally and nationally.
Professor Lucy Berthoud
Job Title:Professor of Space Systems Engineering
Institution: University of Bristol
Year: 2019
Professor Lucy Berthoud is a Professor of Space Systems Engineering. She believes in teaching students using real world examples to prepare them to meet the challenges of modern industry. She leads a range of innovative educational initiatives that provide transformative learning opportunities for colleagues and students across Bristol and the UK.
Dr Scott Border
Job Title:Principal Teaching Fellow
Institution: University of Southampton
Year: 2019
Dr Scott Border has embedded a sustainable partnership learning community that goes way beyond standalone projects. His philosophy of working is defined as much by its processes as it is its outcomes. He has uncompromisingly blurred the boundaries between staff/student identities in a very traditional university setting, leading to transformational learning experiences.
Professor Maralyn Druce
Job Title:Professor of Endocrine Medicine, Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry
Institution: Queen Mary University of London
Year: 2019
Professor Maralyn Druce is a clinical and academic endocrinology doctor. She became interested in teaching during her medical training. She combines postgraduate teaching in endocrinology with undergraduate teaching, contributing to national endeavours and teaching leadership roles across her institution.
Professor Andrew Fisher
Job Title:Lecturer
Institution: University of Nottingham
Year: 2019
Professor Andrew Fisher is a Professor of Philosophy and Head of the Department of Philosophy at University of Nottingham with over 16 years experience of teaching in Higher Education. Key to his approach to teaching is the realisation that students come from a rich historical, cultural, educational, political, social and economic background. Remembering this leads to authentic engagement and a more rewarding learning experience.
Dr Alison Greig
Job Title:Director of Education for Sustainability
Institution: Anglia Ruskin University
Year: 2019
Dr Alison Greig is Director of Education for Sustainability at Anglia Ruskin University, a role she has developed to ensure that sustainability, as a ‘subject’ and as an approach to learning and teaching, impacts every student and member of staff.
Professor Yelena Kalyuzhnova
Job Title:Vice-Dean (International), Henley Business School
Institution: University of Reading
Year: 2019
Professor Yelena Kalyuzhnova is Professor of Economics and Vice-Dean (International) at the University of Reading. She is an advocate of experiential learning and research-based teaching. Through her leadership roles and partnership work she has had impact on curricula and student experience both at Reading and in several international contexts.
Mr Andrew Sturrock
Job Title:Principal Lecturer - MPharm Programme Leader
Institution: University of Sunderland
Year: 2019
Andrew Sturrock is a Principal Lecturer at the University of Sunderland and the MPharm Programme Leader. He has introduced novel interprofessional education initiatives, in the field of oral health and mental ill health. He works with patients and utilises simulation-based learning to enhance the authenticity of clinical teaching and the student experience.
Dr Helen Webster
Job Title:Head of the Writing Development Centre
Institution: Newcastle University
Year: 2019
Dr Helen Webster is an experienced Learning Developer and Head of Newcastle University’s Writing Development Centre. She helps students in all subjects and levels of study to develop their academic literacies and become successful independent learners. She is passionate about developing values-driven, innovative models of skilled practice in this emerging hybrid profession.