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National Teaching Fellows

The National Teaching Fellowship (NTF) Scheme celebrates and recognises individuals who have made an outstanding impact on student outcomes and the teaching profession in higher education. Meet the National Teaching Fellows below.
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NTFS Allyship Scheme

The Allyship scheme is an important development to help to increase the representation, progression, and success of individuals identified as being from an under-represented group(s) in the NTFS.

National Teaching Fellows

Job Title:Head of Voice
Institution: Guildhall School of Music and Drama
Year: 2011
National Teaching Fellow 2011
Patsy Rodenburg OBE is Head of Voice at the Guildhall School of Music & Drama (30 years) and is recognised as one of the world's leading voice and acting coaches. She has worked with best-known actors (including Judi Dench, Ian McKellen, Antony Sher, Daniel Day-Lewis, Ralph Fiennes, Nicole Kidman, Hugh Jackman, Ewan McGregor and Keira Knightley), and has collaborated with film directors Franco Zefferelli and Sam Mendes. She has worked with theatres across the globe including the National Theatre, where she was Head of Voice for 16 years, the Royal Shakespeare Company where she was resident for nine years, the Royal Court, Donmar and Almeida Theatres.
Job Title:Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist and Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer
Institution: University of East London
Year: 2011
National Teaching Fellow 2011
Dr Helen Bruce is a medical practitioner in child and adolescent psychiatry working in Tower Hamlets, east London. Teaching forms a key part of her daily work and she teaches medical students and doctors at all stages of their training on placement with her in the clinic. She also has a lecturing role in both the undergraduate and postgraduate curricula.
Job Title:Director of Architecture, School of the Built and Natural Environment
Institution: Northumbria University
Year: 2011
National Teaching Fellow 2011
Paul Jones has built a reputation within his subject and undertakes leading and influential roles in the university, nationally and at an international level. He has enhanced the learning experiences of his students by adapting traditional, and developing innovative new methods of teaching in architecture, drawing upon research and scholarship as well as his own professional evidence base.
Job Title:Senior Lecturer, Department of Anthropology
Institution: Durham University
Year: 2011
National Teaching Fellow 2011
After graduating with first class honours in Human Sciences from Oxford University, Andrew Russell studied Biomedical Anthropology at the University of Pennsylvania. He then lived on the Isle of Coll in the Scottish Hebrides for three years working for Project Trust, the 'gap year' educational charity under whose auspices he had spent a year in Kerala State, South India, before starting his University career. He returned to Oxford to undertake DPhil research amongst the Yakkha, an ethnic group located primarily in the middle hills of East Nepal, from 1987 to 1992.
Job Title:Senior Lecturer & Consultant Anaesthetist, School of Medicine
Institution: Swansea University
Year: 2011
National Teaching Fellow 2011
Dr Aidan Byrne graduated from Cardiff University in 1987 as a doctor and after basic training worked in general medicine, becoming a registrar in 1990. After transferring to anaesthesia he worked in South Wales and developed an interest in simulation-based training.
Job Title:
Institution: Newcastle University
Year: 2011
National Teaching Fellow 2011
Dr Tom Joyce is an internationally renowned researcher whose work on failed metal hip joints has been showcased in the international media. Tom is equally as passionate about conveying engineering as the fascinating, dynamic, and life-changing subject which he believes it is. Tom teaches engineering from foundation year to Masters level and across faculties, contributing his engineering knowledge to biomedical subjects too.
Job Title:Dean of Teaching and Learning Development
Institution: Edge Hill University
Year: 2011
National Teaching Fellow 2011
Mark Schofield is Professor and Dean of Learning and Teaching. He leads on teaching and learning development and associated research and contributes to curriculum design and teaching on undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in Education, Health, Higher Education, and Teaching in Clinical Practice. He leads on practice based research development for the University's education and health professionals.
Job Title:Director of Research for the School of Music, Humanities and Media
Institution: University of Huddersfield
Year: 2011
National Teaching Fellow 2011
Professor Michael Clarke has worked at the University of Huddersfield for 24 years, playing a significant role in the development of Music Technology in the institution to become a degree course in its own right and a strong area for research with an international reputation.
Job Title:Professor of Journalism, School of Journalism
Institution: University of Lincoln
Year: 2011
National Teaching Fellow 2011
Over many years Professor Richard Keeble has played a central role in the development of journalism teaching in higher education, writing and editing 20 books. His 'Newspapers Handbook' (fourth edition, Routledge) is regarded as the seminal textbook on reporting skills. The acclaimed investigative journalist John Pilger said of it: "The author clearly has a passion for informed, honest and humane journalism."
Job Title:Associate Dean Student Experience
Year: 2011
National Teaching Fellow 2011
Institution at time of Award: University of Worcester. Dr Ian Scott has worked in academia for two decades and during this time has encountered different disciplines and developed a range of interests. Ian became involved in researching learning and teaching through the Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences subject network and started investigating aspects of informal learning and then, through an interest in accreditation for prior experiential learning experience (APEL), developed an equally strong passion for work based learning. Ian was an inaugural chair of SEEC's foundation degree network.
Job Title:Senior Lecturer in Occupational Therapy
Institution: Sheffield Hallam University
Year: 2011
National Teaching Fellow 2011
Claire Craig's career has spanned health and social care practice, the arts, further and higher education. She describes her approach to learning and teaching as one that seeks to inspire students to realise their potential.
Job Title:Reader, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Institution: University of Bath
Year: 2011
National Teaching Fellow 2011
Gary Lock joined the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Bath as a Lecturer in 1995 and he is currently a Reader. Prior to moving to Bath he taught at the University of Oxford where he was a Fellow of Oriel College. He has published approximately 60 journal papers and has given a series of lectures at international universities on experimental fluid mechanics.