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National Teaching Fellows

The National Teaching Fellowship (NTF) Scheme celebrates and recognises individuals who have made an outstanding impact on student outcomes and the teaching profession in higher education. Meet the National Teaching Fellows below.
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NTFS Allyship Scheme

The Allyship scheme is an important development to help to increase the representation, progression, and success of individuals identified as being from an under-represented group(s) in the NTFS.

National Teaching Fellows

Job Title:Professor of Learning and Teaching Development and Director of Learning Development
Year: 2011
National Teaching Fellow 2011
Professor Susannah Quinsee leads the Learning Development Centre (LDC) at City University London, which encompasses educational development and technology enhanced learning.
Job Title:Professor of Chemistry
Institution: Plymouth University
Year: 2010
National Teaching Fellow 2010
Simon Belt is widely acknowledged as one of the leading lights in HE chemistry education in the UK and serves on several national committees responsible for overseeing chemistry teaching in UK HEIs. Simon has spent most of his academic career at the University of Plymouth, inspiring chemistry graduates of the future and mentoring colleagues in chemistry and other disciplines, through his highly interactive and carefully designed approaches to teaching.
Job Title:Professor of Child Psychopathology
Institution: University of Sussex
Year: 2010
National Teaching Fellow 2010
Statistics underpins the curriculum of many subjects at all levels of education. It is vital to equip students with the ability to evaluate scientific evidence but increasingly students suffer from 'statistics anxiety'. Andy has spent his career trying to empower students to learn statistics both in the classroom, through his 'statistics hell' website and through his hit textbook 'Discovering statistics using SPSS: and sex and drugs and rock 'n' roll'. Andy believes that if you engage students they will want to learn.
Job Title:Assistant Dean: Faculty of Arts, Computing,Engineering and Sciences
Institution: Sheffield Hallam University
Year: 2010
National Teaching Fellow 2010
Susan has a Chair in the Pedagogy in Creative Practice and is one of a small number of UK teacher/researchers who are innovating and leading on assessment within art and design. As the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Arts "Susan has been at the vanguard of a quiet revolution in the Faculty to support the various programmes to enhance the teaching and learning experience in ways that are diverse (as appropriate to the needs of staff and students) and have led to Faculty members wanting to share, reflect and take pride in teaching and learning." (Lecturer, York St. John).
Job Title:Director of Studies
Institution: Kingston University
Year: 2010
National Teaching Fellow 2010
Vera Bermingham has a wide range of teaching experience across all levels of undergraduate legal education. In module evaluation questionnaires and staff student consultation meetings students consistently rate her teaching in the top two categories of satisfaction.
Job Title:Head of Widening Participation
Year: 2010
National Teaching Fellow 2010
Terry is motivated by her sense of social justice and entitlement for students from diverse backgrounds, at different stages of their educational journey, to achieve at the highest level. "Without question Terry is a most inspiring teacher and trainer; she is highly creative and original in generating ideas. Her teaching is inclusive, sensitive and places student learning needs right at the heart of her work." (Tutor, UAL)
Job Title:Professor of Glass and Ceramics
Institution: University of Sunderland
Year: 2010
National Teaching Fellow 2010
Kevin has made significant contributions to the Glass and Ceramics programmes at the University of Sunderland and especially in postgraduate teaching. He attempts to engender team working, confidence and a sense of fun as well as offering 'real world' challenges for students. For example, large-scale group drawings made on the beach, online discussions, and student exhibitions in a train station. According to one student Kevin is: "Encouraging and creative! Always pushing our ideas forward".
Job Title:Senior Lecturer
Institution: University of West London
Year: 2010
National Teaching Fellow 2010
Graham Berridge has been at the forefront of the emergence of event management in higher education and is a founder member of the Association of Events Management Education (AEME) and the Event Design Research Network (EDRN). Graham's background in events comes from previously working in community festivals and galas, through to national and international sports events. He brought this knowledge into teaching, motivated by a desire to enhance the educational experience of his learners.
Job Title:Head of Skills in Education Enhancement
Institution: University of Exeter
Year: 2010
National Teaching Fellow 2010
Steve has been responsible for enhancing many aspects of students' personal and professional development; from instigating change in researcher development to introducing new technologies to deliver off-campus and international training for the benefit of both staff and students. He is wholly committed to student diversity and is passionate about providing materials, through varied mediums, to different audiences e.g. for international students, part-time students and students with disabilities.
Job Title:Principal Lecturer, Computing
Institution: University of Worcester
Year: 2010
National Teaching Fellow 2010
Colin Price was educated at the University of Cambridge and at the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium. His entire career has been in education; from the early days, first as a physics teacher in Brussels, then teaching electronic engineering and physics at the University of Leuven, and most recently leading computing at Worcester. He also spent two voluntary years teaching in East Africa.
Job Title:Professor of Engineering Project Management
Institution: University of Leeds
Year: 2010
National Teaching Fellow 2010
Denise has been Programme Leader for the MSc in engineering project management for almost ten years. Her enthusiasm for her subject is invariably commented upon by her students and colleagues and this drives her to search for continuous improvement of the student learning experience.
Job Title:Professor of Dental Education
Institution: University of Manchester
Year: 2010
National Teaching Fellow 2010
Nick qualified in 1985 at the University of Sheffield and started his career training to be a specialist in restorative dentistry. He gained a Masters degree in 1989, PhD in 2000 and later, gained further professional qualifications from the Royal Colleges.