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National Teaching Fellows

The National Teaching Fellowship (NTF) Scheme celebrates and recognises individuals who have made an outstanding impact on student outcomes and the teaching profession in higher education. Meet the National Teaching Fellows below.
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NTFS Allyship Scheme

The Allyship scheme is an important development to help to increase the representation, progression, and success of individuals identified as being from an under-represented group(s) in the NTFS.

National Teaching Fellows

Job Title:Senior Lecturer in Archaeology & Director of the Higher Education Academy's Subject Centre for History, Classics & Archaeology
Institution: University of Liverpool
Year: 2010
National Teaching Fellow 2010
Kent Flannery once said, "archaeology is still the most fun you can have with your pants on". Were it not for the existence of 'archaeological theory' most archaeology students might agree. Anthony Sinclair persuades his students to see it Flannery's way.
Job Title:Professor of English, Director of the CAPITAL Centre of Excellence in Teaching and Learning
Institution: University of Warwick
Year: 2010
National Teaching Fellow 2010
"Her lectures are so brilliant, I go home and tell my housemates about them - they do politics." (Student) "Carol Rutter inspires students because they know that teaching, like theatre, really matters to her, and matters because it's a way of talking (and listening) in public about things that matter." (Colleague)
Job Title:Director of Education for Sustainable Development
Institution: University of Bradford
Year: 2010
National Teaching Fellow 2010
Peter was educated at the University of Bradford and has spent much of his career there. Now Director of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) for the university's ecoversity project, Peter has led pioneering work on whole institutional engagement with ESD across all subject areas. Directing the multi-million pound Ecoversity StuDent project he has promoted student engagement through three curricula - formal, informal and an outdoor curriculum through developing the university campus as a learning resource.
Job Title:Learning and Teaching Development leader, Institute of Education
Year: 2010
National Teaching Fellow 2010
Dr. Jane Spiro is Learning and Teaching Development leader, University Teaching Fellow and leader of MA programmes for international teachers at Oxford Brookes University Institute of Education. Her qualifications include an MPhil in Cultural History, MA in Applied Linguistics and PhD in Education, and her career has involved teaching, development and leadership in all these areas.
Job Title:Dean of Students
Institution: University of Bradford
Year: 2010
National Teaching Fellow 2010
"Becka has changed this institution with a vision and delivery of student support which is transforming our practice and has had significant influence on other HEIs across the sector," said Professor Mark Cleary, Vice-Chancellor, University of Bradford.
Job Title:Head of Department for Computing, Engineering and Technology
Institution: University of Sunderland
Year: 2010
National Teaching Fellow 2010
Alastair is a dedicated teacher who "absolutely loves teaching and being in the class room" but finds balancing his time with students alongside his management responsibilities is a challenge. His current teaching focuses on the new discipline of computer and digital forensics which has an excellent level of collegiality across the UK.
Job Title:Director of the Higher Education Academy's Psychology Subject Centre
Institution: University of York
Year: 2010
National Teaching Fellow 2010
Annie studied psychology at the University of York, and has spent much of her career there, first as Manager of the Computers in Teaching Initiative, and then as Manager and then Director of the Academy's Psychology Subject Centre, based at the University. She has a long-standing interest in the role of technology in learning and teaching, and has made a significant contribution to the educational knowledge base of HE psychology teaching through practice-based research and scholarship in this area.
Job Title:Director, CETL in Applied Undergraduate Research Skills
Institution: University of Reading
Year: 2010
National Teaching Fellow 2010
Linking teaching and research lies at the core of John's belief in what higher education should be about. He learnt its potential very early on. As a first year undergraduate at Durham he found himself travelling to dusty archives in Oxford to obtain original data for an essay. During his second summer vacation he supervised on one of his lecturers' research excavations and later helped write up the pottery from that project for publication, learning and becoming part of a research team at the same time.
Job Title:PVC Teaching and Learning
Institution: University of Huddersfield
Year: 2010
National Teaching Fellow 2010
Christine has a particular interest in the transformative potential of fiction, including literature, film and television. Fiction enables learners to have intense vicarious experiences, she believes; in effect it can speed up the process of learning that might occur through ordinary lived experience, enabling learners to have many lives and relationships, including some that are rare and unusual.
Job Title:Professor, School of Electronics and Computer Science
Institution: University of Southampton
Year: 2010
National Teaching Fellow 2010
Throughout his teaching career Professor Wald has improved learning for students through his excellence in teaching and his innovative creation, development and use of technology. He has helped change national policy, won many awards and achieved international recognition as a scholar and a champion for disabled students.
Job Title:Reader in Computer Science
Year: 2010
National Teaching Fellow 2010
A major part of Paul's teaching is in helping students to learn to program. He believes that learning should most of all be enjoyable and uses lectures to inspire and enthuse his students. He uses metaphors wildly as well as theatrical activities to explain concepts in a fun way. For example, he runs programs on 'computers' made of rope, tubes and students to visualise the invisible computation that takes place when a program is executed.
Job Title:Professor of Nursing, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences
Institution: University of Bedfordshire
Year: 2010
National Teaching Fellow 2010
Chris is best known for championing reflective practice as an educational and research process in nursing and now more widely in diverse helping professions. This work has naturally developed into narrative and performance, in collaboration with theatre and dance colleagues, opening dialogical spaces for learning and social action grounded in the core learning principle of 'show not tell'.