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National Teaching Fellows

The National Teaching Fellowship (NTF) Scheme celebrates and recognises individuals who have made an outstanding impact on student outcomes and the teaching profession in higher education. Meet the National Teaching Fellows below.
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NTFS Allyship Scheme

The Allyship scheme is an important development to help to increase the representation, progression, and success of individuals identified as being from an under-represented group(s) in the NTFS.

National Teaching Fellows

Job Title:University Director of Education and Head of the Academic Unit for Medical Education
Institution: University of Southampton
Year: 2009
National Teaching Fellow 2009
Dr Faith Hill is an outstanding leader and innovator in medical education. Since joining Southampton University in 2001, she has become Director of the Division of Medical Education and Director of the Medical Education Development Unit in the School of Medicine. She uses these roles to promote excellence in education and she also serves as an effective change agent - encouraging innovation across the University and beyond.
Job Title:Director, Learning Innovation, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences
Institution: Coventry University
Year: 2009
National Teaching Fellow 2009
Maggi Savin-Baden was educated at the University of Brunel and the University of London and has worked in both pre and post 1992 universities over the course of her career. Now Director of the Learning Innovation Group at Coventry University, she is leading a team of researchers, PhD students and innovators.
Job Title:Enterprise Director, Department of Enterprise & Commercial Development
Institution: Staffordshire University
Year: 2009
National Teaching Fellow 2009
Mike Clements was educated at Coventry University and the University of Salford before later entering higher education as a Lecturer 1 in Marketing. Awarded a University Learning and Teaching Fellowship in 2001, he is now Professor of Enterprise Education and Enterprise Director in the Enterprise and Commercial Development Department at Staffordshire University, where he holds the portfolio for developing across-Faculty enterprise curriculum as part of the University's employability agenda.
Job Title:Head of Computing and Reader in Applied Computing
Institution: Coventry University
Year: 2009
National Teaching Fellow 2009
Institute at the time of award: University of East London. Dr Chrisina Draganova is Head of Computing and Reader in Applied Computing at Coventry University. At the time of her award, she was  a Senior Lecturer in the School of Computing, Information Technology and Engineering at the University of East London. Her professional practice is recognised at many different levels: by her students, by her academic colleagues and her colleagues in industry.
Job Title:Lecturer, Department of Biological Sciences
Institution: University of Hull
Year: 2009
National Teaching Fellow 2009
Graham Scott was awarded a first class zoology degree by the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne and then completed a PhD in zoology at Edinburgh University. Rather than complete a conventional biological post-doctoral research programme Graham chose to return to Newcastle and started his career as a research associate working with Professor Stewart Evans to develop student centred learning activities that would enable marine biology students to complete unsupervised field work. This experience was key to Graham's subsequent development as an HE lecturer.
Job Title:Faculty Co-ordinator of Teaching and Learning, Director of STAR Programme
Institution: University of Ulster
Year: 2009
National Teaching Fellow 2009
Tony Cook is a well respected Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Life and Health Science at the University of Ulster and is currently Faculty Co-ordinator of Teaching and Learning. He was awarded a University Distinguished Learning Support Fellowship for his widespread and innovative support for pedagogic practice across the university.
Job Title:Lecturer; Reader in E-learning and Digital Libraries; Director, Computing Systems and Services (OUCS)
Institution: University of Oxford
Year: 2009
National Teaching Fellow 2009
Dr Stuart Lee is a lecturer in the English Faculty, University of Oxford, and also runs the University's Computing Services. In English he teaches courses ranging from Old English literature, through the Poetry of the First World War, to Electronic Publishing. He has taught across a range of students: from undergraduates, and graduates, to adult and independent learners.
Job Title:Professor of Practice Based Open Learning, Faculty of Health and Social Care
Institution: The Open University
Year: 2009
National Teaching Fellow 2009
Pam Shakespeare has worked for thirty years on courses and packs reaching over 75,000 learners. One key problem in developing practice-based distance learning has fascinated and concerned her throughout her career. The problem is this " if you don't know anything about someone's life and experience, how can you help them use it for learning and develop a relationship with them?"
Job Title:Professor of Higher Education & Director of Institute for Learning Enhancement
Institution: University of Wolverhampton
Year: 2009
National Teaching Fellow 2009
Professor Glynis Cousin is the Director of the Institute for Learning Enhancement at the University of Wolverhampton. She began her professional career in the early nineteen eighties as a school teacher of social studies in the last caning school in London. As soon as she had completed her probationary year, she ran away from this "Dickensian throwback" to work in adult and community education.
Job Title:Professor of Dynamics and Control
Institution: University of Leeds
Year: 2009
National Teaching Fellow 2009
Like many engineers, Professor Martin Levesley has always been fascinated by new technology and enjoys innovation. As an undergraduate he chose to study at Brunel University which allowed him to spend half of each year in industry. This taught him the importance of being able to make solid connections between material taught within university and real-world examples. His PhD and subsequent postdoctoral research at Southampton University, focussed on aero engine vibration, was undertaken in collaboration with Rolls Royce, providing him with more direct links between academia and industry.
Job Title:Head of Department, Business Information Technology and Enterprise
Institution: University of Greenwich
Year: 2009
National Teaching Fellow 2009
Mike Sharp has two passions in his work with students as the Head of Department for Business Information Technology and Enterprise. Firstly, widening participation by breaking down the barriers to HE for students through identifying the challenges for them and designing programmes, courses and study modes that allow them to access HE and succeedss. Secondly, ensuring students have ability to manage complexity early in their studies.
Job Title:Assistant Director, Head of Social Sciences
Year: 2009
National Teaching Fellow 2009
Dr John Craig has previously served as an Assistant Dean at Teesside University and has taught at the University of Huddersfield, the University of Leeds and the Open University. At the time of his award, he was University Teaching Fellow at the University of Huddersfield and was responsible for supporting the development of Foundation Degrees across the institution. John's subject background is in politics and much of his work has focused on building links between the academic study of the discipline and the experience of real world practice.