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National Teaching Fellows

The National Teaching Fellowship (NTF) Scheme celebrates and recognises individuals who have made an outstanding impact on student outcomes and the teaching profession in higher education. Meet the National Teaching Fellows below.
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NTFS Allyship Scheme

The Allyship scheme is an important development to help to increase the representation, progression, and success of individuals identified as being from an under-represented group(s) in the NTFS.

National Teaching Fellows

Job Title:Emeritus Professor of Work-based Learning
Institution: University of Derby
Year: 2007
National Teaching Fellow 2007
Job Title:Senior Lecturer in Shared Learning
Institution: University of Leicester
Year: 2007
National Teaching Fellow 2007
Job Title:Director of the Centre for Excellence in Learning Enhancement
Institution: Coventry University
Year: 2007
National Teaching Fellow 2007
Dr Lynn Clouder is a Research Fellow and Director of the Centre for Interprofessional e-Learning (CIPeL), a collaborative CETL between Coventry and Sheffield Hallam Universities. Much of Lynn's teaching and pedagogical innovation has occurred in the context of health and social care education. Originally a physiotherapist, she practiced for 12 years prior to entering academia and is particularly interested in the ways in which students learn in the workplace and how new graduates negotiate the transition into practice.
Job Title:Emeritus Professor of Pedagogical Research
Institution: Liverpool Hope University
Year: 2007
National Teaching Fellow 2007
Job Title:Reader in Creative Writing
Institution: The Open University
Year: 2007
National Teaching Fellow 2007
As Reader in Creative Writing, Linda Anderson has made an outstanding contribution to the curriculum at the Open University; by developing undergraduate teaching in Creative Writing in a distance teaching context she has made a major contribution to the teaching of the subject nationally. The challenge that faced Linda and her team in 2002 was to adapt the OU's distinctive model of open learning taught at a distance to Creative Writing, then an entirely new subject for the institution.
Job Title:Principal Lecturer in Community Development and Local Governance
Institution: University of Gloucestershire
Year: 2007
NTFS Ally, supporting applications from: Staff from a minority ethnic background
James gained his NTFS award in 2007. In 2020 he moved to a new employer - De Montfort University in partnership with the Society of Local Council Clerks. James specialises in community development, rural issues, and blended learning.
Job Title:Emeritus Professor of Education and Development
Institution: University of Warwick
Year: 2007
National Teaching Fellow 2007
Professor Edward Peile is Professor Emeritus of Medical Education at Warwick Medical School. Appointed Associate Dean (Teaching) in 2004 and later Head of the Institute of Clinical Education, Ed transformed the Institute into a multi-disciplinary educational environment whose fame spread throughout the UK medical community. "Ed leads from the front," comments the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching and Learning) at Warwick, "inspiring those around him with a thirst for learning. Ed is an example of modern medical education at its best." Ed has worked in the relatively new discipline of graduate entry medicine for several years.
Job Title:Director of Academic Practice & Learning Enhancement
Institution: University of East London
Year: 2007
National Teaching Fellow 2007
Job Title:Principal Lecturer, Blended Learning Teacher
Institution: University of Hertfordshire
Year: 2007
National Teaching Fellow 2007
Ian pickup
Job Title:Pro Vice Chancellor
Institution: University of Roehampton
Year: 2007
NTFS Ally, supporting applications from: Part-time colleagues, Professional services colleagues
Since winning the NTFS award in 2007, Ian has progressed to positions of executive leadership and is currently PVC (Students) at The Open University.
Job Title:Academic Consultant in Research, Education and Medicine
Year: 2007
National Teaching Fellow 2007
Institution at the time of Award: University of Cumbria. Professor Gill Marshall is currently Research Development Lead in the Faculty of Health, Medical Science and Social Care. Her role is to move the faculty towards securing research degree awarding powers. She helps novice scholars and researchers towards publication, ensuring that pedagogy and the knowledge base are appropriately underpinned.
Job Title:Professor of Organisational Behaviour
Institution: The Open University
Year: 2007
NTFS Ally, supporting applications from: Disabled colleagues, Part-time colleagues, Professional services colleagues, Staff from a minority ethnic background
National Teaching Fellow 2007.
Mark Fenton-O'Creevy is Professor of Organisational Behaviour in the Open University Business School. He led the design and development of the OU's innovative Professional Diploma in Management, a part-time Masters's level course that forms the first stage of the Open University MBA.