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National Teaching Fellows

The National Teaching Fellowship (NTF) Scheme celebrates and recognises individuals who have made an outstanding impact on student outcomes and the teaching profession in higher education. Meet the National Teaching Fellows below.
NTFS Allyship Scheme badge

NTFS Allyship Scheme

The Allyship scheme is an important development to help to increase the representation, progression, and success of individuals identified as being from an under-represented group(s) in the NTFS.

National Teaching Fellows

Job Title:Head of the Higher Education Practice Programmes, Deputy Head of Academic Development and Practice & Principal Lecturer in Higher Education
Institution: University of Worcester
Year: 2001
National Teaching Fellow 2001
Dr John Peters is Deputy Head of Academic Development and Practice and Principal Lecturer in Higher Education at the University of Worcester. He is course leader of Worcester's Masters in Higher Education programmes. He is an active member of the Staff and Educational Development Association having served on its executive and as chair of its conference committee. He is a regular reviewer for Research in Post Compulsory Education and has provided keynote addresses for a number of HE learning and teaching conferences including Improving Student Learning.
Job Title:Emeritus Professor of Social Science Education
Institution: Sheffield Hallam University
Year: 2001
National Teaching Fellow 2001
Anthony Rosie teaches social science at Sheffield Hallam University where he is Professor of Social Science Education. He teaches primarily in the fields of social theory, historical-comparative sociology, globalisation. He is postgraduate tutor for applied social sciences and teaches on postgraduate research methods courses. He trained as a secondary school teacher of English, taught in London for many years and worked in FE provision, youth and community work, teacher education before moving to teach social science at Sheffield Hallam in 1995.
Job Title:Visiting Researcher in Psychology
Institution: Queen's University Belfast
Year: 2000
National Teaching Fellow 2000
Job Title:Professor, School of Health Sciences (now Retired)
Year: 2000
National Teaching Fellow 2000
Job Title:Senior Lecturer
Year: 2000
National Teaching Fellow 2000
Job Title:Emeritus Professor of English
Year: 2000
National Teaching Fellow 2000
Job Title:Professor of Ocumolotor Physiology
Institution: University of Cambridge
Year: 2000
National Teaching Fellow 2000
Job Title:Emeritus Professor of English Language and Literature
Institution: Lancaster University
Year: 2000
National Teaching Fellow 2000
Job Title:
Institution: Bournemouth University
Year: 2000
National Teaching Fellow 2000
Job Title:Strategic Advisor on ePortfolio Development
Institution: University of Nottingham
Year: 2000
National Teaching Fellow 2000
Dr Angela Smallwood is an Associate Professor at the University of Nottingham, having lectured and researched in English Studies for around 20 years before relocating to the School of Education in recognition of her full-time commitment to learning and teaching, as Co-Director of the CETL for Integrative Learning and Director of the University's Centre for International ePortfolio Development (CIePD).
Job Title:
Year: 2000
National Teaching Fellow 2000
Job Title:Head of Dance
Institution: De Montfort University
Year: 2000
National Teaching Fellow 2000
Jayne Stevens is a Principal Lecturer in Dance and Performance in the Department of Performance and Digital Arts at De Montfort University, Leicester.