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EDI workshop 2

Leader as Coach

This workshop is designed to support you to develop your skills as a coach, which is a key skill for any leader.

Coaching is an essential skill for any leader to support, their colleagues and their staff in decision making and gaining the right outcome. It enables greater engagement, innovation and job satisfaction. Coaching also has multiple benefits for students engagement and Thomas Legge et al illustrated that embedding a coaching philosophy in a teaching observation scheme also impacts student engagement accordingly.

Workshop Overview

The practice of coaching conversations is an essential feature in any leaders toolkit, and this workshop will explore How you create a coaching culture to boost creativity for your team or your students. You will explore the characteristics of a coaching style conversation and gain practical experience of placing the individual at the centre of the learning.

This interactive workshop will encourage you to have more coaching style conversations to enable individuals to find their own solutions and access what they already know.

Book your place

Event Information

Date: Thursday 19 June 2025
Time: 10.00- 15.00
Location: Virtual

Book your place
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5% Early Booking Discount available

There is a 5% early booking discount for bookings made before 30 September 2024 on this service. This is in addition to a 25% discount if your organisation is an Advance HE member.

5% Early Booking Discount logo

Who is delivering the course?

Audrey Linton

Programme Director Aurora International and Aurora Community
Advance HE
Audrey Linton
Audrey brings a wealth of experience to the Aurora Community with a background in Leadership, Career and Organisational Development within the NHS and gender equality policy making within the Civil Service.
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Learning outcomes

Through participation of this workshop you will:

  • Appreciate the benefits of a coaching style conversation
  • Recognise the important leadership skills necessary to engage others and improve motivation
  • Reflect on the tensions of teaching/managing in HE and using a coaching approach
  • Understand the individual, team and institutional benefits of creating a coaching context
  • Have an opportunity to practice coaching skills in a supportive environment.
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