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National Teaching Fellows

The National Teaching Fellowship (NTF) Scheme celebrates and recognises individuals who have made an outstanding impact on student outcomes and the teaching profession in higher education. Meet the National Teaching Fellows below.
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NTFS Allyship Scheme

The Allyship scheme is an important development to help to increase the representation, progression, and success of individuals identified as being from an under-represented group(s) in the NTFS.

National Teaching Fellows

Job Title:Senior Lecturer in Psychology and Associate Dean for Teaching & Learning
Institution: Aston University
Year: 2010
National Teaching Fellow 2010
Peter is an Aston graduate and returned as a Teaching Fellow in 1999 after working in further education, counselling and social work. In 2008 he was promoted to Senior Lecturer in recognition both of his pedagogical research and his inspirational teaching and in 2009 became Associate Dean for Learning and Teaching in the School of Life and Health Sciences. Peter has a direct and remarkably engaging teaching style that inspires students at all levels.
Job Title:Director of Clinical Skills and Simulation
Institution: Cardiff University
Year: 2010
National Teaching Fellow 2010
Institution at the time of award: Plymouth University. Paul trained in general practice in Chester where he developed his keen interest in medical education and was appointed a GP trainer. He also worked in the Department of Primary Care at the University of Liverpool and became Associate Advisor in general practice for information technology in the Postgraduate Department of General Practice.
Job Title:Professor of Geography & University Teaching Fellow
Year: 2010
National Teaching Fellow 2010
Martin Haigh "impresses by his dedication to issues related to learning... " if there is any truth that today's unconventional thinking is tomorrow's mainstream ideology, then Martin is the very personification". (Fellow Journal of Geography in Higher Education academic)
Job Title:Associate Professor of History and Director of the History Subject Centre
Institution: University of Warwick
Year: 2010
National Teaching Fellow 2010
Sarah is a creative teacher who has been pioneering innovation in the teaching of history for over 20 years. Her enthusiasm for teaching and research infuses all aspects of her practice. Podcasts focusing on her teaching and research in 18th and 19th century British political history are regularly in the top ten History downloads on iTunesU.
Job Title:Head of Blended Learning
Institution: University of Wolverhampton
Year: 2010
National Teaching Fellow 2010
Paul is responsible for the strategic development of the integration of e-learning into the curriculum, which is seen as central to achieving Wolverhampton's mission of a widening participation University. All 22,000 learners have learning richly supplemented by technology, and 21,520 learners actively keep an e-portfolio, the impact of which is characterised by a recent graduate as: "my mates studying at other universities had nothing like what I experienced here. It really is a defining characteristic of Wolverhampton and contributed immeasurably to my success, and something I enjoyed greatly."
Job Title:Reader in Science Communication (Biological Sciences)
Institution: University of Gloucestershire
Year: 2010
National Teaching Fellow 2010
Although an entomologist by training and persuasion, Adam has a tremendous depth of knowledge and enthusiasm for all aspects of science and he is driven by his passion to nurture scientific curiosity in others. As an entomologist he literally leaves no stone unturned to find ways to inspire and engage his students.
Job Title:Principal Lecturer in Health Sciences (Biochemistry)
Institution: Leeds Metropolitan University
Year: 2010
National Teaching Fellow 2010
Cath is renowned among students and colleagues alike for her inexhaustible energy and enthusiasm for her subject and for her innovative approaches to teaching. Her career-long fascination with how best to teach her subject began as a course team member at the Open University while completing her PhD in Neurochemistry within the Brain Research group. Her students say that she transforms their learning by empowering them - the heart of her teaching philosophy.
Job Title:Educational Development Specialist
Institution: University of Birmingham
Year: 2010
National Teaching Fellow 2010
Having completed her PhD on the bioenergetics of antibiotic uptake and a PGCE, Sharon began her educational career in the north of Scotland. She has held various posts in secondary and post-16 education, including head of sixth form centre. Since joining the University in 2003, she has made a considerable and growing contribution to undergraduate learning and teaching.
Job Title:Professor of Social and Organisational Psychology
Institution: University of Exeter
Year: 2010
National Teaching Fellow 2010
At Exeter, Alex is part of a team of internationally renowned researchers who conduct theory-driven research into a range of core social and organisational topics including leadership and motivation, stereotyping and prejudice, group conflict and tyranny, stress and well-being. In the last five years this work has attracted over £2 million funding from a range of agencies and is exemplified by two forthcoming books: 'The New Psychology of Leadership: Identity, Influence and Power' (with Steve Reicher and Michael Platow; London, Psychology Press) and 'The Social Cure: Identity, Health and Well-being' (with Jolanda Jetten and Catherine Haslam; London, Psychology Press).
Job Title:Head of School, Design Craft and Visual Arts
Institution: Buckinghamshire New University
Year: 2010
National Teaching Fellow 2010
Until May 2010 Alison was Director of one of the UK's Centres for Excellence, where she initiated and promoted an exciting range of creative opportunities to help others develop their teaching practice. A lifetime spent teaching embroidered textiles informs her work; her mission is to highlight and tap into the pedagogies of creative practice which are rich in experiences, contain many opportunities for dialogue and are centred around material artefacts.
Job Title:Professor in English
Institution: De Montfort University
Year: 2010
National Teaching Fellow 2010
As founding member of two associations, the British Shakespeare Association and the Association of Adaptation Studies, Deborah has put pedagogy at the core of her teaching and research. Her work has had an international impact in bringing together academics and teachers from all over the world from a range of academic fields, such as drama, economics, and film and media studies, to share good practice and extend the teaching of adaptations and Shakespeare. As editor of two international journals, Shakespeare and Adaptation, she continues to be at the forefront of cutting edge research that extends the boundaries of English studies in classrooms all over the world.
Job Title:Professor of Education and Head of the Research Centre for Education and Career Development
Institution: University of Derby
Year: 2010
National Teaching Fellow 2010
Dennis Hayes has taught in secondary schools, special schools, and in further and adult education institutions. This varied experience, coupled with his training in philosophy, has produced a unique approach to teaching that is student-centred but builds the intellectual potential of all students through criticism and challenge. This seeming pedagogic paradox is a result of his conviction that debate is the essence of education. Although once labelled the 'Simon Cowell' of debating, his colleagues in teacher education say that he manages discussion "in a friendly, unthreatening way; and thus invites and empowers people to enter the debate."