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National Teaching Fellows

The National Teaching Fellowship (NTF) Scheme celebrates and recognises individuals who have made an outstanding impact on student outcomes and the teaching profession in higher education. Meet the National Teaching Fellows below.
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NTFS Allyship Scheme

The Allyship scheme is an important development to help to increase the representation, progression, and success of individuals identified as being from an under-represented group(s) in the NTFS.

National Teaching Fellows

Job Title:Professor of Law, Warwick Law School
Institution: University of Warwick
Year: 2010
National Teaching Fellow 2010 Gary studied law at New College, Oxford. In 1993, he joined Nottingham Trent University, before moving to the University of Warwick in 1999. He was named national Law Teacher of the Year in 2009 and holds a Leverhulme Major Research Fellowship (2019-22) on rhetorical performance.
Job Title:Professor of Personal & Organisational Development
Institution: University of Derby
Year: 2010
National Teaching Fellow 2010
Barbara went to the University of Derby as a mature student in 1999, studying for a PhD, which was sponsored by the Institute of Leadership and Management. Within a few months she had taken on a full-time teaching and programme leadership role, building on ten years of teaching experience in further education. Her teaching draws on extensive personal and work experience including the civil service, I.B.M., accountancy, and voluntary work for The Princes Trust.
Job Title:Deputy Head (Education), School of Geography and Environmental Science, Faculty of Environmental and Life Sciences, University of Southampton
Institution: University of Southampton
Year: 2010
National Teaching Fellow 2010
Simon has a passion for teaching and a mission to ensure his students make a real difference in the field of environmental science and sustainability. His success in embedding employability into his teaching has drawn wide interest. Dr. Peter Shaw, Chair of the national Committee of Heads of Environmental Science (CHES) has written: "The national standing of Southampton's undergraduate programmes in terms of practical and professional skills exceeds requirements for professional accreditation by a generous margin, due very much to Simon's contributions to curriculum development and delivery."
Job Title:Head of Curriculum and Learner Development (CLD)
Institution: Aston University
Year: 2010
National Teaching Fellow 2010
Anne has strategic responsibility for the Learner Development Centre and Learner Enhancement Team at Aston University. She also chairs the university CLD working group and programme approval committee and is the course director for the postgraduate certificate in professional practice. Anne leads on developing inclusivity in learning and teaching and the implementation of the institutional virtual learning environment and e-portfolio platforms.
Job Title:Principal Lecturer in Phonetics
Institution: University of Westminster
Year: 2010
National Teaching Fellow 2010
Patricia has worked at the University of Westminster since 1975. She has an international reputation as a practising phonetician, teacher of phonetics, and researcher in phonetic pedagogy - a field she has played a major part in reviving as an independent area of pedagogical practice and research.
Job Title:Deputy Dean Learning & Teaching
Institution: University of Hull
Year: 2010
National Teaching Fellow 2010
Sarah Jane is a passionate believer in using drama to enable students to become critical thinkers in a practical community context. She uses plays as catalysts for community projects. In all the work she does, she strives to provide learning opportunities for students in often challenging but ultimately enriching environments. Crucial to her work is the use of drama to enable students and the public, both here and abroad, to reflect on the way life is and more importantly how it could be.
Job Title:Associate Dean for undergraduate and clinical programmes
Institution: Northumbria University
Year: 2010
National Teaching Fellow 2010
Kevin is responsible for the School's wide range of law degree programmes including its internet-based open learning course which has students all over the world, the innovative Exempting Law Degree which integrates academic and professional legal education, and the M Law Solicitor degree, the first-ever law degree which includes the training stage of qualification as a solicitor.
Job Title:Director of Teaching, learning and Assessment
Institution: London School of Business and Management
Year: 2010
National Teaching Fellow 2010
While on a student placement in a German factory, James observed the limited life chances of people with low educational attainment and this prompted his desire to facilitate access to learning and hence his entry into teaching. His industrial experience was also the start of his continuing interest in employability and how this can be developed.
Job Title:Senior Lecturer in Veterinary Education
Institution: University of Bristol
Year: 2010
National Teaching Fellow 2010
Sarah is renowned for her contagious enthusiasm and passion for veterinary education as well as an evident affection for animals, students and her profession. "Your passion and insight have stimulated my thinking and ideas".
Job Title:Head of Humanities
Institution: University of Huddersfield
Year: 2010
National Teaching Fellow 2010
Cath took up her post at Huddersfield having moved to the UK from Australia where she had taught at the University of Wollongong and the University of New England. In Australia her students were spread over vast geographic distances and she developed a wide range of strategies and skills in the use of online learning environments to support them. On coming to Huddersfield, which had recently opened two new campuses in the nearby towns of Barnsley and Oldham, Cath immediately saw the potential for teaching technologies to have an impact here as well.
Job Title:Principal Lecturer and Programme Leader for Psychology
Institution: Liverpool John Moores University
Year: 2010
National Teaching Fellow 2010
David has worked at Liverpool John Moores University for nine years since completing his PhD at the University of Ulster. David's extraordinary rapport and empathy with students creates a supportive environment that enables students to transform daunting obstacles into accessible challenges. The impact of this is beautifully epitomised in this statement from a recent graduate who uses a phrase from her culture (in Urdu): "Meri Kamyabi mayn Aap Ka Bhi Hissa Hain" which means "You also have a claim on my success" (Kamyabi = Success, Hissa = Part of/Claim).
Job Title:Director of the Centre for Excellence (CETL) in the Institute of Work Based Learning
Institution: Middlesex University
Year: 2010
National Teaching Fellow 2010
Barbara entered academia as a second career having started as a nurse and joined Middlesex University soon after nursing was integrated into higher education. She started teaching nurse students and health care assistants in clinical practice and has since taught learners from allied health disciplines at pre-degree, degree, postgraduate and doctorate level.