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National Teaching Fellows

The National Teaching Fellowship (NTF) Scheme celebrates and recognises individuals who have made an outstanding impact on student outcomes and the teaching profession in higher education. Meet the National Teaching Fellows below.
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NTFS Allyship Scheme

The Allyship scheme is an important development to help to increase the representation, progression, and success of individuals identified as being from an under-represented group(s) in the NTFS.

National Teaching Fellows

Job Title:Head of Law and Criminology
Institution: University of Greenwich
Year: 2011
National Teaching Fellow 2011
Sarah Greer is a passionate believer in providing opportunities for her students, and equal access to the legal profession. At Greenwich she has worked with colleagues to develop a range of impressive employability opportunities for her students with magic circle firms, barristers' chambers and other legal employers.
Job Title:Professor of Education and Research and Knowledge Exchange Leader, Cass School of Education
Institution: University of East London
Year: 2011
National Teaching Fellow 2011
Professor Jean Murray is widely regarded as a 'champion' for teacher education and a leading researcher in the field, promoting its importance in national and international arenas. A Research Leader at UEL's Cass School of Education, she has responsibility for research development and teaches on post-graduate courses.
Job Title:Principal Lecturer in Economics
Institution: Coventry University
Year: 2011
National Teaching Fellow 2011
Jon Guest's approach towards teaching is one that tries to convey his own enthusiasm for the subject combined with material that presents abstract economics concepts in the context of the everyday life of the student.
Job Title:Principal Lecturer in Sports Development
Institution: Liverpool John Moores University
Year: 2011
National Teaching Fellow 2011
Sarah Nixon works within the Centre for Sport, Dance and Outdoor Education within the Faculty of Education, Community and Leisure. She is a Principal Lecturer in Sport Development and the Faculty Learning Development Manager.
Job Title:Professor of Clinical Anatomy
Institution: University of Warwick
Year: 2011
National Teaching Fellow 2011
Peter Abrahams is Professor of Clinical Anatomy at Warwick Medical School (WMS). He trained as a medic in London after teaching with VSO in the jungles of Borneo, and is passionate about how technology can enhance teaching.
Job Title:Associate Head of Department (Research & Scholarship)
Institution: University of the West of England
Year: 2011
National Teaching Fellow 2011
As a Chartered Geographer, Dr Jennifer Hill is passionate about exploring and introducing new ideas and viewpoints into the student learning experience. She has produced bespoke video podcasts about exotic ecosystems, filmed at a number of locations worldwide, in order to enhance student learning.
Job Title:Reader in ICT in Education
Year: 2011
National Teaching Fellow 2011
Dr Martin Oliver's work spans teaching, research and academic development - areas that he sees as closely connected rather than separate. His work focuses on developing these connections, using critical perspectives on technology and a process that helps individuals to think differently about themselves and their use of technology.
Job Title:Reader in Learning and Teaching in Health Care Practice
Institution: University of Hertfordshire
Year: 2011
National Teaching Fellow 2011
Irene Anderson is a Principal Lecturer in the School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work and is an associate of the University's Learning and Teaching Institute. She has made a significant impact through expertise in teaching, facilitation and leadership.
Job Title:Reader in Microbiology and Head of Biology & Biomedical Science
Institution: Aston University
Year: 2011
National Teaching Fellow 2011
Although Anthony Hilton has studied the invisible world of microbiology for over 20 years, he has never lost the fascination and enthusiasm for the subject that filled him when he first observed bacteria down a microscope.
Job Title:Head of Pro Bono, Cardiff Law School
Institution: Cardiff University
Year: 2011
National Teaching Fellow 2011
As Head of Pro Bono Julie Price's job is to create, develop and manage an evolving portfolio of extra-curricular skills and learning opportunities so students can experience law in action, and acquire and practise transferable skills to enhance their employability. With a background in practical vocational law teaching, Julie previously practised as a Solicitor in family and property law.
Job Title:Director of Postgraduate Studies and Postgraduate Courses Development Manager, School of Pharmacy
Institution: Keele University
Year: 2011
National Teaching Fellow 2011
Dr Patricia Black has overall responsibility for a portfolio of postgraduate Master's courses for health professionals working in or with the NHS, principally pharmacists practising in the key areas of the profession. The range of learning and teaching support activities in which Pat is involved is numerous and wide-ranging, and unique. An internationally renowned pharmacy practice academic has described Pat as, " the top three leading edge developmental academics within the world of pharmacy education."
Job Title:Lecturer and Director of Student Support
Institution: University of Sussex
Year: 2011
National Teaching Fellow 2011
Social Work education attracts intense public scrutiny. Cath Holmstrom's goal is to transform the classroom experience and to provide a range of opportunities for students to demonstrate their suitability for social work practice. Cath models the reflective approach that students need to become effective practitioners. She maximises the learning potential of the group by building students' confidence and capacity: "Cath mixes academia with real life scenarios, which bring the subject alive. She often provides insights into her own life to explain her arguments, which in turn gives me tacit permission (and confidence) to be able to do the same."