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Nuffield Department of Clinical Medicine (NDM): Career mapping

The department aimed to promote an inclusive and supportive enviroment through the adoption of a career mapping philosophy.
Target Group
Academic staff
Professional and support staff
Initiative Theme
Initiative institution
University of Oxford
Application type
Athena Swan Initiative
Publication date

Details of Activity

The department aimed to promote an inclusive and supportive enviroment through the adoption of a career mapping philosophy. Staff were offered clear criteria for what was expected of them with regards to their workload, as well as clear guidelines on how they could advance to more senior positions.


Implementation of a career mapping philosophy led to increased satisfaction rates amongst staff, who were subsequently more aware of how to progress in their career. As a result of the department's initiative, 94% of staff indicated that they would recommend the Nuffield Department of Clinical Medicine as a place to work In 2013, which was an increase from 69% in the 2012 survey.