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Primary Care Health Sciences: Recruitment

The department wanted to present itself as more attractive to potential female candidates to increase the number of women at senior level (Clinical and Non-Clinical) applying for advertised positions.
Target Group
Academic staff
Initiative Theme
Initiative institution
University of Oxford
Application type
Athena Swan Initiative
Publication date

Details of Activity

The department wanted to present itself as more attractive to potential female candidates to increase the number of women at senior level (Clinical and Non-Clinical) applying for advertised positions. The underlying goal was to provide role models to current staff and create a more encouraging environment for women to progress in their careers. A sub-committee was set up to assist in the recruitment of all senior and clinical academic posts by identifying those with the qualifications and skills required, and then approaching these potential female candidates.


The sub-committee identified potential female candidates applying for senior positions, resulting in the appointment of a female chair. The department notes that it was succesful in attracting applications from women for senior appointments, resulting in the promotion of seven researchers in 2013.