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The Equality Charters - Good Practice Initiatives

The new, evidence-based Good Practice Database is for those working to advance gender and race equality in higher education through Athena Swan and the Race Equality Charter.

The database aims to celebrate the breadth of gender and race equality initiatives taking place across the higher education sector and to provide Advance HE members with practical ideas and encourage them to trial new initiatives adapted to their contexts. The initiatives are drawn from recent analysis of selected successful applications. 

Race Equality Charter

Onboarding the Race Equality Charter Journey

06 Oct 2020 | Dr Sammy Li and Sheena Griffiths

Use the search filters below to find Athena Swan and Race Equality Charter initiative application types.

Athena Swan Good Practice Initiative Image
Newcastle University
Initiative Theme: Recruitment, Retention
Target Group: Academic staff, Early career staff
Support for Early Career Researchers
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Queen's University Belfast
Initiative Theme: Balance, Targeted to women/men
Target Group: Academic staff
Review of gender breakdown of decision-making committees
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Queen's University Belfast
Initiative Theme: Culture, Marketing
Target Group: Academic staff
Showcase of female-led activities in online platforms
Athena Swan Good Practice Initiative Image
Queen's University Belfast
Initiative Theme: Marketing, Recruitment, Targeted to women/men
Target Group: Academic staff
Presentation of Athena SWAN logo and statement on gender equality
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Queen's University Belfast
Initiative Theme: Mentoring, Promotion, Targeted to women/men
Target Group: Academic staff
Positive impacts of mentorship
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De Montfort University
Initiative Theme: Recruitment
Target Group: Professional and support staff
Engagement and recruitment from within the local community
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De Montfort University
Initiative Theme: Career development, Promotion
Target Group: Academic staff
Development initiatives and opportunities for UK BAME staff
REC Good Practice Initiative Image
De Montfort University
Initiative Theme: Recruitment
Target Group: Academic staff
Growth strategy for the recruitment of BAME Lecturers
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De Montfort University
Initiative Theme: Marketing, Outreach
Target Group: Undergraduate students
Increasing BAME participation on an international experience programme
Athena Swan Good Practice Initiative Image
University of Warwick
Initiative Theme: Culture, Gender balance
Target Group: Academic staff, Postgraduate students, Undergraduate students
The School aimed to develop initiatives which would highlight female role models and better reflect the male/female ratio among its staff.
Athena Swan Good Practice Initiative Image
University of Warwick
Initiative Theme: Culture
Target Group: Academic staff, Professional and support staff
With the aim of improving overall staff awareness of equality and diversity issues, the School set up online equality and diversity training for all staff; modules included 'Diversity in the Workplace' and 'Recruitment and Selection'.
Athena Swan Good Practice Initiative Image
University of Exeter
Initiative Theme: Accommodating caring responsibilities, Career development
Target Group: Academic staff, Professional and support staff
Providing quality maternity, adoption or paternity options for its staff was clearly an important goal for the School, which set up confidential parental entitlement meetings.