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The University of Manchester - Degree awarding gap initiatives

The institution revised a number of processes and enhanced student support
Target Group
Postgraduate students
Undergraduate students
Initiative Theme
Degree awarding gap
Initiative institution
The University of Manchester
Application type
Race Equality Charter
Publication date

The institution revised a number of processes and enhanced student support. For example, the Differential Attainment Working Group is responsible for coordinating interventions across the University aimed at increasing the attainment of BAME students. Initiatives include the introduction of an ‘Early Warning System’ that refers students who have not achieved a ‘Good Degree’ grade on their first assignment to support services. There are also several research projects underway with successful work introduced across the University. As a result of these activities, the proportion of students gaining a good degree improved over the last three years from 76% to 82% (an increase for BAME students from 74% to 76%).